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The boys giggled and pranced about as they ran farther into the woods. It began to rain as they all danced in the rain, frolicking in the cold drops onto them. Except for Daesong of course who seemed content on protecting the cat he was carrying from the rain. The others looked at him still laughing and letting the rain fall on them. "Come on Daesong, have fun, there's rain." Jihoon said, taking off the jacket he wore and placed it on top of the cat.

They continued to run farther into the forest, pushing their hair back as they were far away enough from the town. In the distance lay a lone tower, slightly in ruins as its walls were broken apart but it was intact. "Hey guys look, how about there?" Seongjin said, pointing to the tower, Jihoon stepped forward to look before he nodded. "That looks like a good place, it doesn't look too far away either." Together the boys ran towards the tower and walked in. The tower had a sense of homeyness, as if someone had once lived inside of it. There in the bottom was a couch, and a small tv that was gathering much dust in its small corner, there was about 4 beds in different places of the whole tower and stairs that looked like they lead on forever.

The boys each looked around and even found a small fireplace. Sungho grabbed a rock and attempted to spark it against the the fireplace until he finally did. They all gathered by to warm up. "I think it was a bad idea to mess around in the rain." Youngho said, rubbing his arms as he tried to warm up. Daesong let the cat go as it ran around the place, finally feeling free. "Are you gonna name that cat? It's been with you since we ran away." Sungho asked, Daesong looked at the cat in a focused way before he spoke. "Noah. I think it's a pretty good name for a cat that seems nothing but rude and hyper ." He said with a slight smile. Truth be told, Daesong had been calling him that since they ran away, he just didn't want to admit it yet. "Daesong is soft all over again." Jihoon said in a slight taunt. Daesong crossed his arms, "At least an animal loves me."

Jihoon smiled and ruffled his hair as he went back to the fire. "Do you think there's a village around here somewhere? Any small town?" Jihu said, sitting on one of the beds, Sungho looked outside at the rain that was coming down hard. "I can go check, if you'd like." He said, Jihu looked at him and shook his head, "No, it's raining, you could get hurt."
"How about when the rain stops?" Sungho says, Jihu looked at the others. They felt they couldn't let Sungho go anywhere on his alone yet because he was younger and they couldn't risk losing him so young.

Finally he gave in and let Sungho do it, once the rain stopped, Sungho went out. He came back in a few short hours and the boys looked at him, he was covered in tree branches and mud but he had a smile on his face. "Iseul. A town nearby, almost as big as Gyeongsuk." He said breathlessly, he seemed rather excited. "Well? Do you want to go have fun?" Doyoon said, tossing a dagger up in the air before catching, the others nodded as they set out. They got to the edge where the forest meets the town of Iseul and they smiled. "Hm, looks like fun." Jihu said and they set out towards the town, mischievous thoughts unwinded and they felt at peace once again.

Dead LunaticsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon