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Technoblade looked around. He was in a forest, walking along a path searching for a missing ender hybrid, with a distressed part goat teen. He sighed, the large, spruce trees looming over, sheltering them from the soft snow that coated the ground. Eventually, they came across a clearing, that, surprisingly, hadn't been touched by the gentle snow. A babbling stream full of siler fish ran through it while the soft green grass swayed in the wind. Tubbo shouted his platonic husbands name into the clearing, the desperation obvious on his face. Regardless of if he was once part of a group that tried to kill him and was a president at some point, techno couldn't help but feel sorry for the young teen. As well as that, even if he wouldn't admit it, he too was worried for the safety of ranboo, the tall teen who platonically married his brother's best friend. Though the only ones who could of seen the worry in his eyes, were Philza, Wilbur and maybe even daydream, his childhood best friend who disappeared an exact year before the server started. Anyway, tubbo called into the clearing the name of his husband once more, his voice sounding desperate and longing. Techno, even though he was very socially awkward, put his hand on tubbo shoulder and softly said, "im sorry tubbo, but I don't think he's here." Tubbo sighed dejectedly, before saying, "I guess your right techno . . . . ." before turning to head back to base. Technoblade stood there for a minute before starting to head ack as well but turned sharply when he heard the rustle of leaves. He took note of the person flying off into the distance as well as the two objects that were floating down to the ground. One was a midnight black feather tipped with white that Shon in the weak winter sun. the other was an allium. A round purple flower that techno was reminded by the voices had something to do with ranboo. Maybe? No! techno told himself, that could never happen, ranboo ws always careful enough to not have that fate befall him. Yet the objects all pointed in the same direction . . .. . NO! techno suddenly got up, not even noticing himself putting the objects into his pocket, turned to leave, his mind filled with the debate on if three of the people he considered brothers to have befallen the same fate.

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