Chapter 2: Info

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Rita ushered you out to follow her. She grabbed her jacket and put it on as the two of you walked out the firing range.

"Have you told anyone else about this?" she asked you as she walked briskly. "N-No, why does it matter?" you responded, trying to catch up with her.

"Because no one believed me when I told them about this." she said.

"Wait, so you have this too?" you asked.

"Had. You know how you got covered in blood and then woke up again?" she said, facing you this time.

"Yeah. What about it?"

"That's why you can restart the day. What you killed wasn't an ordinary mimic. It was larger and it was blueish, right?" she said, picking up the pace.

"Y-Yes, how do you..." you get cut off when she speaks again. "Because the same thing happened to me at Verdun."

Rita led you through into the mechanics section of the base. She waved someone over as the two of you walked.

You found yourself going down into some sort of bunker, it looked a little rundown, but other than being a little dark, it looked alright.

"Rita! Dear lord, you need to give me some warning before bringing someone in here. I'm sorry, who are you?" the man said as he faced you.

His face was a little dirty, hair a little messy. "C-Captain L/N. Team Rainbow." you said.

"He's me, before Verdun" Rita said to Carter. "Okay, how many fingers am I holding behind my back?" the man asked.

"I don't know, how am I even supposed to know that?" you said. "I have two. Im Dr. Carter. Particle Physics, microbiology, yada yada yada." the man said, extending an arm out.

"Captain, eh? Sorry about earlier, I didn't know." Rita said. "It's alright."

"So, L/N. When did you die?" Carter asked.

"Ummm, tomorrow. On the beach."

Rita walks over to the table, grabbing a device that suddenly has spikes protruding from it. "You need to try this on him." she said.

"What the fuck..." you said to yourself as you saw the mysterious device. "It won't work." Carter said.

"Have you had any visions yet, Captain L/N?" Dr. Carter asked, leaning against the table. "Visions? What? N-Never..." you said, confused and a little overwhelmed.

"Okay, so there's still time."

"Time? What the hell is happening to me..." you asked.

"Captain; Dr. Carter here is the only other person that'll believe what you say. No one on earth understands Mimic biology better than him. He was the top analyst at Whitehall." she said.

"Well yes until I met Rita, and now I'm just a mechanic with psychiatric delusions, as they prefer to label it."

"Carter, show him." Rita said, gesturing at Carter.

"Oh, yes. Hold up..." he said as he activates the table to show 3D holograms.

"Here's the thing. You're not really fighting an army. What you need to understand is this is basically like us, but on a much bigger scale. It's basically a single organism. Those orange ones? They act like it's claws."

"The blue ones, are the alphas. They are much more rare." Rita said, pointing at a hologram showing a creature exactly like the one you killed.

"They're like the central nervous system. But this..." Carter said as he pulled up another image.

"This, is the brain."

"This is the omega. It controls literally every single mimic out there that's hell-bent on killing all of us."

"Whenever an alpha is killed, it triggers an automatic response. The omega restarts the day. It has the ability to control time. What's special is the fact that it remembers what's going to happen. It knows what we're gonna do before we do it." Rita said, pointing at the figure.

"And an enemy that knows the future, can't lose." Carter said.

"Wait, then what about Verdun?" you asked Rita.

"It allowed us to win. It wants us to think that we can win. It wants us to throw every single thing we've got into the invasion tomorrow. Operation Downfall isn't our end game. It isn't our path to victory. It's theirs." Rita said.

"But you can change the outcome." Dr. Carter said.

"Excuse me, what?" you said, bemused at the fact that this all apparently rests on your shoulders.

"On that beach, when you killed that alpha, you basically tapped into the enemy's nervous system. You're part of it."

"Exactly. You now have control over the omegas ability to restart the day. Of course, you have to die for it to go into effect."

"Every day. Until the omega is destroyed." Dr. Carter said.

"Wow. This is, hold up, why aren't we telling the general about this?" you asked.

"I've tried, L/N. Same shit, psyche wards, dissection, all that."

"So, have you seen anything strange?" Dr. Carter said.

"N-No. Nothing."

"Not even this?" Dr. Carter said, pointing at the picture of the omega.

You shake your head. Carter drops his head, sighing as he walks around the place.

"Here's the thing. The omega knows that it's losing some power. It's looking for you, Captain." Dr. Carter said.

"And when it's close to finding you, you'll start to have visions. You'll see the omega. You could even see where it is." Rita said, pointing once again at the omega.

"So, you also had these visions?" you asked Rita. Rita nods at you.

"So, you've seen the omega?"

"Not in the flesh, no."

You walk around, hands behind your head, still trying to comprehend everything.

"But, this is all just, theory? Right? I mean, you don't know for sure that this 'omega' actually exists."

"It was at Verdun! I saw it. I knew it was there." Rita said, looking at the table. "But by the time we took Verdun, it was gone." Dr. Carter said.

"Okay so basically, I wait to have these visions, and then we go and kill the omega, wherever the fuck it is?" you asked.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2021 ⏰

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