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• luke •

the next morning i woke up to the sound of a guard sliding in a tray of food onto the floor. i rubbed my eyes tiredly and got up making my way to the food. i bent over, picking it up and taking a bite out of the toast sitting on the plate.

"oh god." i spit out the toast and threw the tray back on the ground. it was disgusting. it tasted like card board. i wiped my mouth and opened the door. i stepped out into the hall looking left and right before i walked to the other side where the men's restroom was. walking in i went to one of the urinals. the bathroom was empty, it was just me in there. the walls were made of concrete and it was dirty. after i was done, i zipped up my pants then started to wash my hands. the water lightly trickled onto my palms. i looked up into the filthy mirror and blinked a few times.

just as i was turning the water off i heard the most blood curdling scream come from down the hall. i jumped and wiped my hands onto my pants and ran out of the restroom. it was coming from room 213...

the screaming continued and my hands shook. the sound reminded me of the night my parents were murdered when they were screaming. my legs had a mind of their own because i was slowly making my way to the end of the hall. just as i was about to turn the corner two guards and two nuns pushed past me almost making me fall backwards. i turned the corner and room 213's door was wide open. i made my way closer to get a better look.

guards were grabbing... michael's arms. michael? was that his name? i forget. it doesn't matter anyways. michael kept screaming and it made me uneasy.

"they won't shut. up!" michael shouted.

i scooted closer around the corner and peeked through to look inside his room. guards were trying to hold him down but he seemed to be very strong. he was putting up a fight.

"they aren't real, michael! you are the only one who can control them. tell them to go away! it's all in your head!" a nun shouted at him.

"they are real! i don't know how many times i have to tell you that! they keep talking to me! i can't control them! they aren't voices!" michael paused and his breath was hard and he was thrashing to get of the guards grip. he said in a whisper, "they're spirits."

"michael, listen. spirits are not real. ghost don't exist. they're all in your head. 'ghost' are not talking to you." the other nun said.

michael started screaming prophanities and struggling to get free of the guards hold. i started to walk backwards when michael caught me. his eyes locked with mine. as i stepped backward i ran into sister edith. she walked right past me and went into the room. she held a long needle in her hand.

"no. no. no!" michael stopped in between words. he started kicking again.

"hold still!" sister edith demanded. he tried to get away but she stuck the needle in his neck and released the liquid into his body. he slowly started to calm and mumbled things under his breath. soon michael went limp and wasn't moving. one of the gaurds picked him up and threw him over his shoulder. they walked out and i stepped back to get out of their way. the last one out was sister edith.

i tried to quickly walk away so she wouldn't know that i was still just hanging around.

"eh, eh, eh, mr. hemmings." sister edith said and i stopped dead in my tracks. i turned around facing her.

"yes?" i said.

"your curiosity has gotten the best of you hasn't it?"

"...i guess?" i said as more of a question than an answer.

room 213  • muke • boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now