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• luke •

day four in this hell hole. i haven't ate much since the time i've been here. i stole a couple doughnuts from the bakery when one of the sisters weren't looking. calum did the same. i have only drank water and ate those two doughnuts these whole four days. they serve you breakfast, lunch, and dinner but i'd rather lick the bottom of one of the sisters shoes than eat that bullshit excuse for food.

it's somewhere around in the evening time right now i'm assuming. i didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night. michael had an episode in the middle of the night and had to be calmed down then tied to his bed. he was screaming, crying, then i'm pretty sure he threw up because i heard heaving. yesterday i spent most of the day with eve after she got out of solitary confinement. eve may be a ten year old girl but she's also funny, artistic, and she's great at dancing. her and calum are really the only "friends" i've made so far. now, i sat in my room carving things into the wall with a unfolded paper clip that i found in the gathering room.

luke hemmings was here

i twidled the paper clip in my right hand and chewed my finger nails on the other. boredom consuming me.

there was a light knock on my door and then i heard the card swip, the door beeped and opened. it was one of the nicer nuns, sister sophia. she's the youngest sister in the asylum. very sensitive and quiet. never wanting to harm any of the patients. she had beautiful green eyes and dark brown hair. her forehead bangs hung out from her habit. (the clothing that nuns wear.)

"luke, it's friday. we're showing a movie in the gathering room. would you like to join us?" she said in a small voice.

i stopped chewing my finger nails and swung my hands into my lap sighing. "do i have a choice?"

she pursed her lips. "i'm afraid not."

rolling my eyes i got up to my feet and walked out into the hall. sister sophia went to go tell other patients to come out.

i managed to make my way down the dark hall when suddenly i crashed into to someone who was coming from another direction.

"oh- uh sorry." i said not bothering to see who it was at first.

"yeah." said the voice. i looked up and saw the blue haired boy, michael. my eyes slightly widened and my breath hitched in my throat. i don't really know why, but it did.

i started to walk away so that i wouldn't have to be with him anymore but i realized we were both going to the same place. my cheeks became hot. we started to walk side by side in silence. michael's body language was weird. he seemed uncomfortable, but not because of me. (i hope.) but it seemed as if someone else was bothering him. i didn't know what got into me but i started to speak. "s-so um. about yesterday... i um.. i-i didn't mean to stare at you while you were in that room it- it's just sometimes i'm very much of a curious george a-and my curiosity gets the best of me you know?" it was silent after i had spoken. he didn't say a word to me. didn't even look either.

i sighed.

"what? did you say something?" michael said. i rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.


"sorry i didn't hear you, mate." michael's voice had such australian in it, it was almost like being at home when i would listen to ashton talk.

the rest of the time we made our way to the gathering room, it was awkward silence. i felt annoyed at michael and i didn't really know the bloke at all. i was annoyed with him because he didn't even act like i was there speaking to him when i clearly was.

maybe he was talking to a dead person?

no, luke stop it. you know that people can't talk to the dead. don't be a twat. i wonder if the voices in his head were talking to him. or maybe he was seeing someone that his mind had made up. i mean, he is a schizophrenic right?

michael pushed the gathering room doors open letting it slam in my face. i put my hand up to the door with a irritated look on my face.

"thanks for holding the door open for me, buddy." i mumbled hoping only i could hear me. but of course, michael turned around and snickered. i sighed angrily. this guy is kind of a dick, is he not? i passed michael to go find calum and melanie. melanie was nymphomaniac. you know, someone who's addict to sex. yeah, her. i've got to know her better and she's really nice. i smiled when i found them. they had saved a seat for me. i sat down and greeted them. "hey losers."

they said in perfect tone, "hey." with a slight giggle and chuckle. i kind of wished eve was here but she's down in the children's part of the ward watching her friday night movie. probably something like frozen, i don't know.

"so... i saw you sort of walk in with..." calum lowered his voice. "the schiz."

i nodded. "he's kind of a dick. but. i don't know there's just... just something about him that i want to know more about. but as of right now, he's a dick." i laughed.

sister edith walked in front of the room telling everyone to quiet down. "we will be showing maleficent. we will be handing out popcorn too. if you make a mess, you will be cleaning up the entire gathering room all night after the movie showing. no talking and no barbaric behavior."

everyone mumbled a series of "yeah, yeah. you say this every friday." or, "okay." or, "we know."

the movie started and it was about ten minutes into it when calum, melanie, and i started to quietly whisper to each other. we tried to make each other laugh when we weren't suppost to be talking. it reminded me of being back in school. ashton and i would screw around in class when we weren't suppost to be socializing.

"mr. hemmings." sister edith's voice rang through my ears startling me, melanie, and calum.


"i thought i said no talking. please move away from your friends. move to the empty seat next to mr. clifford in the back."

i turned back to see who she was pointing to.


i sighed and got up slowly making my way to the back. i sat down awkwardly next to michael. i didn't say a word for almost the rest if the movie. toward the end michael sat with a bag if popcorn in his hand. randomly he tilted the bag in my direction. "want some?" he said in a small voice. he didn't look at me though. i looked over doing a double take trying to figure out if he was talking me.

i sat slouched in my chair with my arms crossed over my chest. i raised an eyebrow and pointed to my myself. "are you talking to me?"

michael stuttered. "y-yeah."

i stared at him for a while in confusion. eauer he acted like he hated my guts and was being a total dickwhad. now he's being all generous? what?

i reached my hand into the bag taking some and putting it in my mouth. i tried to chew quietly because i was feeling like i was chewing very loud. "thanks." i mumbled half smiling at him.

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