.- protecting his husband

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Kie?tobio call tsukishima

Yeah?he look to his husband

Can you get me a milk pwease tobio said while doing puppy eyes

Cute tsukishima thought

Fine just wait me here ok dont go anywhere or talk any one that you dont know and dont go with people you don't know okey tsukishima said Tobio giggle because of his protective

Im not damn i know that he pout

Yeah i know just reminding you tsukishima smile and kiss Tobio before he start walking to get his husband milk

Tobio sit to the bench that he could wait he just smile thinking that he really lucky to his husband

While waiting someone touch his shoulder that make him flinch he look  it with fearful eyes

He saw a boy that he think 25+ his body starting to shake he scared

You look pretty boy said his eyes going down cheking his body

You have also a nice body and his hand that in Tobio shoulder become tighten tobio wearing a black fitted long sleeves and ripped jeans that make more recognize his feminine body

S-sir p-please let g-go Tobio said trying to Go away to the boy
The boy let go Tobio but before he run the boy grab his wrist starting to drag him

S-sir w-where are we g-going Tobio ask but the boy didn't answer he just dragging him Tobio starting to cry silently

K-kie h-help me he just whisper but he groan when he felt his back to a wall and feel a hot breath on his neck that make him shiver tobio just close his eyes thighly and his fear more grow

The boy planted a kiss on kageyama's neck while kageyama trying to get of him still close his eyes but he opened it when he feel the boy grab his chin to make his look at him 

The boy lowering his face kageyama close his eyes again when the boy about to kiss him he feel the boy force to let go of him he still didn't open his eyes or even move But he fall on the floor still his eyes closed

THE HECK YOU DOING TO HIM he quickly opened his eyes when he recognized who the owner of that voice

His eyes wide open the boy on the ground trying to let go himself to tsukishima who sitting on his stomach and punching him He stand hug the back of tsukishima

Kie stop calm down you going to kill him tsukishima stop punching the boy that has unconscious he quickly get up and hug tobio

Are you okey?did he hurt you?did he do something on you tsukishima said worriedly cheaking his husband

I-im okey he hugged Tobio tightly

Im sorry i failed to protect you im sorry tsukishima said Tobio look at him

N-no kie its not your fault look you arrive before he do something on me and protect me to him Tobio said and smile genuinely

I promise this is not going to happend again tobio nod

Thank you kie

Ofcourse tobio next time better i will stick with you tsukishima said wipe the tears away on tobio face then decide to call police when the police arive they ask them some question before they let them home

When they got home they change on comfortable clothes Tobio drinking his milk happily while tsukishima just staring on his husband

Tobio finished his milk they go on their bedroom laying on the bed cuddling and any minute they went to a peaceful sleep forgetting what happened earlier..

After that day tsukishima more being protective on Tobio and Tobio love that side of tsukishima...

The end.....

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