-.little gesture.-

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Shit kageyama muttered  if he didn't hurry he will be late for the practice


SHUT UP he shout kageyama trying to fix his tangled headphone because if he didn't fix it they would more tangled

Kageyama really want to fix it because its important to him he used it to help him calm listening music

Hey kageyama
kageyama look around  to see who it is and its yamaguchi with tsukishima

Oh hi he greet back not looking to them

Kageyama has a frustrated face while still trying to fix his headphone

Ummm..do you need help on that kageyama?yamaguchis ask him

No need i can do it kageyama muttered

But for me seem you need help tsukishima said with a little tease on his voice

Shut up beanpole no one ask you

Hmm surprising that the majesty Can't even untangled his own headphone how stupid tsukishima said and smirk

Can you just shut up he said with upset his face still he trying to untangle his headphone

Tsukishima walk on kageyama's front and grab the headphone

Hey what are you doing

Im trying to help you king

I didn't even ask your help

Tsukishima ignored kageyama starting to fix the headphones and ofcourse its take a few second for him to untangle them

Here and be careful next time with your headphone he said and give the headphone on kageyama and walk forward

w-what yamaguchi whisper looking to his bestfriend confused

Tsuki help kageyama out? i think its just misunderstanding yamaguchi think

Tsuki wait he shout and run to follow tsukishima meanwhile kageyama just standing there confused

Why he is acting weird and nice to me? He whisper.


Kageyama? Kageyama look at where  the voice come from and saw the rest of karasuno

If your wondering where are them,they are in mall all of them

Oh guys what are you doing here? He ask

We decide to get some break of volleyball and hangout but you didn't get online so we decide to go to your house but no one their and we saw you here sugawara explain

Before kageyama answer a girl hug him with a boy following on his back

W-who he is?the boy ask

I told you im not single already and he is my boyfriend the girl said make every one shock

Tsk the boy said and walk away while the girl stop to hugging him

Y-you have a girlfriend hinata said

I don't have a girlfriend sh- kageyama cut by noya

Bro don't say that she is besides you tanaka said the girl chuckled they look at her

Tobio said is true im not his girlfriend they look at her confused

Im miwa,kageyama miwa tobio older sister they look at kageyama shock

YOU HAVE A SISTER the chaotic trio shout kageyama nod

I guess you guys is my brother friend they all nod and started to tell there name

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