.-his goodbye

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Tobio and tsukishima got married for 8 years but it's not because they love each other they married because of their families company

Tobio still knew that it was just for the company but for him, he is really happy because he truly like the blonde

To know that even in those years being together he knew the blonde never love him hurt for him still he stay because he love him

Tobio is a person not know how to cook even a simple fry egg but he trying to cook for his beloved husband

This day is their anniversary but tsukishima is nowhere to be found its already late but he is not home Tobio keep calling him and even texts tsukishima never responds to them

Tobio waited sitting patiently for him to tsukishima come home he even made the food he waited and wait until the clock was midnight his tears slowly fall down

It's our anniversary but still the same I'm the one who only celebrates it alone how cold you are he whisper he got to his bedroom opened his drawer and grab the blade

The blade touch his arm and created a new scar fresh blood started to leak he cut and cut there have 15 cuts on both arm

No one knows about this even tsukishima he has been cutting himself when a months pass when they start to be married when Tobio realizes that tsukishima never love him he gets into a deep depression he surely that no one gonna find out about this even his husband

He cut himself when he feels in pain how the one he loves treating him he cut and cut to ignore the pain he feels and he didn't realize that it has been his hobby, hobby to cut himself when he feels pain emotionally he even has a cut on his body and legs and tsukishima didn't even recognize it

Tobio stand get a bandage and put it on his both arm he where a hoodie after that he lay on his bed crying and crying until he fall asleep wishing that one-day tsukishima embrace him even in his dream

Tobio woke up because a moan filled the quiet house his eyebrows crumpled tsukishima is the only one have a key to their house so he thought that tsukishima who come home late but he quickly stand up when he heard a moan from the girl his heart started to beat faster when he starting to walk out of his room

The noise is coming of the guest room Tobio just wants to back to his bed and act as if nothing happened but his body never listening to him and walked toward the room the door was slightly open and his tears slowly fall what he saw

Tsukishima fucking a woman both of them moaning the pleasure as they called each other names sweating and panting tsukishima and the girl kiss like a wild beast

Ahh t-Itsukushima s-someone hmmmm m-might here us the girl say between her moans

Tsukishima smirked and licked and sucked his breast before saying

I don't care as long I can fuck you babe

Tobio can move his body he is stuck watching them he can't speak he wants to speak or shout but he can't feel the voice he just can sob quietly

You love him right then leave and act that nothing happens before he found you he thought to himself

But he still can't move he's heart is really in pain like he stabbed like a billion time and broken it into pieces

It's not new to you right you are always in pain when you know that he never love you so what knew? but why does it seems more painful right now? he thought again

Toboi couldn't breathe anymore he grip his chest tightly for the air his face was pale his lips turn to white he is crying from so much pain and agony

Tsukishima sense that someone inside was looking at them then he saw Tobio there standing and watching them his lips turn into a smirk

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