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Confess something that you done but hate.

For me its uh-

This story is told from Both of their POVS (and other characters to.) but mostly Tricky (this is a lie.). So anyways you can suck my left nut

Trickys POV

So I was walking down the street and I saw Hank.

Idk man I just have feelings for the guy. Whenever we fight and he gets close, Idk why I blush. I don't think he's noticed yet.

But I can't tell him how I feel cause I can't talk. I can only screech (has broken English he forgot now shut up and knows sign language). It's very frustrating.

So anyways, I kinda just stopped and stared at him while walking.

right before he stopped and turned his head, I looked away.

I could feel my face heating up as I felt his eyes on me. (yo that sounds wrong-)

Hanks POV


I just caught Tricky staring at me, while I was walking.

Ngl he's a creepy clown, but he can be fun when you ACTUALLY get to know him.

I kinda regret turning him into a Zombie. (not much but I do.)

I've found him many of times crying in a building, like a big fuckin baby.

The guy's a creep.


Tricky knows sign language and uses that more often then talking.

Everybody in Nevada Understands it

239 words

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