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Guys smut rp ✋😩

= Sign Language

Hanks POV

I'm headed to Sanford and Deimos house rn. (They not dating I don't ship it shut up they straight and are really good friends and they live together. Attack me I dare you)

Honestly they are both annoying. Deimos just likes to say "Your mom gay" and a whole bunch of other shit.

Sanford (is it Stanford?) just likes to talk about how strong he is and his 6 pack.(or is it a 4 pack-)

He calls it a fucking 10 pack.

He brags about how Deimos and I don't have any abs and how weak we are. (I imagine his as the biggest shut up.)

That's how he has a lot of cuts, scars, and bruises. Plus hes never seen me without my shirt on ( I will never make this a ship )

Sanfords POV

Deimos was being so fucking annoying.

He was running around the house doing an 'impression' of Tricky.

Basically screaming, screeching, growling (not very often) and signing things like Cookie, Hank and Hot-dog.

I just sat on the couch admiring my 10 pack. (UwU)

Eventually there was a knock on the door. (I will never ever use UwU or OwO or anything related to that. Prob T-T that's pretty much it.)

I opened the door and saw Hank.

"Hello," he said plainly.

I answered with Hey and Deimos just screeched.

Like Tricky.

"Weirdo," Hank whispered under his breath.

Deimos seemed to hear this and kinda frowned.

Deimoss POV

(Dude the 2nd s is the s in guy's I'm just to lazy to add the '.)

Hank called me a weirdo. :(

I use to get called that a lot back in elementary.

Then the bullies failed school cuz I didn't do their work.

I'm jk.

So I was doing my impression of Tricky while Hank was half sleep on the couch and Sanford was cleaning his hook.

Then ground started to rumble,Hank woke up and then pulled out his Katana (Katara x Anng. even better, Katana x Anng )

I'm pretty sure he thought it was Tricky, but nothing came out of the ground.

After a few minutes there was a silence.

Hanks POV

I'm pretty sure Tricky was gonna come after me in a minute, wanting to 'play'.

I told the guys I had to go.

This is literally how it went down;

"Aw why,"- Deimos (As Tricky. I'm not putting stuttering in sign language- that's just weird-)

"Dude you literally just got here," -Sanford

"It's pretty late guys," -Me

"Don't go," -Deimos (As Tricky.)

"Deimos let him go," -Sanford

"Aw fine," -Deimos (Not as Tricky cuz my phone is being glitchy)

Deimos then came up to me and hugged me.

He kinda picked me up since he was taller then me. (Not a lot maybe 2 inches dude go listen to Deimoss and Sanfords Uh Voice Lines-)

Yea I'm short.

Not the shortest though. (YOU ALREADY KNOW)


Guys I'm dead

Also who sounds older and wiser

Guys we all think/imagine Deimos is loud and the most annoying

You barely even hear him talk in the voice lines-

The most words I think-

lmao nvm my other story has over 2000 and isnt even done-

545 words

Hank x Trickyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن