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this is ciaorevoir.

this seven entry piece is first posted on facebook, so if you saw me and knew my account— hi!

i made this series to make peace with myself as a person, and as someone who needs to let go of the excess emotional baggage of past relationships, failed friendships, and regrets. once I'm done with this, i will also be free from a lot of burden that I've been bringing for so long.

for you, who is reading this, i hope that you find comfort and would be able to relate to namjoon as he reminisces about the past and wrote it down one entry at a time per day since 092221 in Seoul.

suggestion for reading:

• black background
• sans serif <smallest font size>
• enjoy and take your time

thank you so much,
ci ♡

start: aug 21, 2021
fin: aug --  -------------

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