♝II: The Radfords♝

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Ten years passed and Brittany Godfric had settled alone and away from her homeland, living a thousand miles in Oxford, England. She finished her studies and had a job within years, being a fine Grade School teacher at Luke Xavier Academy in Haventown. After three years of teaching, she finally decided to do home tutorials instead, given that there are so many rich families residing in their area.

"Sure, Miss Collin. I'm glad you'll have me as your son's history tutor. Oh, he's not your son? I see. Well, that's fine. I'll be there tomorrow afternoon. What's the address again? Haven's Hollow, Radford mansion. Got it. Thank you. Good day." As she hang up her phone, she read what she scribbled. So, the pay is high, my choice of schedule, and it's within a mansion! Sweet! Gonna prepare for tomorrow.

Saturday morning of mid-autumn is one of the finest days as she went out from Haventown apartment building. Haven's Hollow was a mile and a half away from her place so it wasn't that far to take a walk. She arrived outside the huge gates of the mansion at three o'clock.

Bri was greatly astound just by towering at the gates. From the outside skirts of the lot, she can view the chateau-styled mansion, a large house that was obviously owned by a very wealthy person. The vertical railings of the gates were designed with curves and iron plates naming 'Radford mansion'.

She straightened her collared gray trench coat, fixed her medium length, cotton brown hair, and stood straight. Bri cleared her throat when a maid came and opened the gates. She wondered why there are no guards that should be in charge with it.

"Er- good day. I'm Brittany Godfric. Miss Collin is expecting me, er.. I'm the tutor." She said and offered her hand. The maid took it and held it gently.

"Pleased to meet you, Miss Godfric. I'm Mrs. Norris, the Radford family's head maid. Please come in."

It was like a vast paradise with wide trimmed gardens, and red-orange leaves from the trees to the ground. She glanced again at the chateau and imagining how wide it is, maybe about two American football fields she estimated. Both sides of the mansion has a vista with maple trees along the path. They went inside, turned left the corridor and reached the living room. It's very spacious and elegant, mesmerized by the whole thing she's viewing. A finely French designed mansion with pure English interiors.

"Please sit, Miss Godfric. I'll be making some tea while waiting for Miss Collin and Master Charlie." Mrs. Norris smiled and left the room.

Her eyes travelled the room, imagining how glamour and simplicity complements the whole view of the living room, but what caught her attention was a beautiful grand piano standing at the corner, beside the large window. She walked closer and stood there for a while, making her reminisce an old memory. The lid of the piano was already open, inviting her to play. She sat in front of it and slowly raised her fingers to the keys, caressing it one and the other. She randomly pressed the keys of C, D, and A. Then, she remembered her brother.

"Soothing sound, isn't it?" A voice said from the doorway behind her. Bri was startled and quickly glanced on her shoulder as she saw a man on his red long sleeve with loose and undone tie around his neck, navy blue vest and dark pants hanging around his waist. The man was leaning on the entrance doorway coolly, while his dark brown and wavy shoulder-length hair bounces as he tilted his head from where he's leaning. Oh God, he's so beautiful.

"I uh- I'm sorry. I didn't ask permission, and I didn't know someone's there, and uh," She stuttered, and quickly stood.

"It's alright, don't worry. Feel free to play." The man said with a charming smile.

She gazed at him and examined how good-looking he is for his age. Maybe he's in his early 30's. She can't blink even a quarter of a second, or even drop her eyes away from him. She slightly opened and closed her mouth from amazement, but suddenly breaks her contact as she heard loud footsteps from the stairs. In a moment, a boy of about the age of ten appeared.

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