♜V: The Gondola and the ex-love's memories♜

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It's the first afternoon of winter, the review sessions at the Radfords with Charlie went on. But Bri still can't forget what happened that morning. She was spacing out when she was caught off guard by Charlie who gave a surprise attack from the side of the couch.

"Charlie!" she startled, who dropped her book from the sudden shock.

"Gotcha! What are you daydreaming, Miss Bri? You rarely space out."

"Nothing. I'm just a bit exhausted and-",

"Miss Bri! You're bleeding!" Charlie shouted and went bewildered. Blood was dripping continuously from her nose. A moment later and Siron who was just at his study, heard Charlie's scream and instantly appeared in the living room.

"Hey, you alright?" He asked. "Charlie, get some ice bag and towel." He demanded. Siron fished out his handkerchief and gently covered it on her nose.

"I'm okay, Siron. It's just a simple nosebleed." muttered Brittany.

Charlie came out hurriedly from the kitchen carrying the ice bag and gave it to his dad, then he gently placed it on Bri's tilted forehead.

"What happened, Charlie?" Siron sounded slightly mad.

"Dad, I just surprised her a bit, and then, I didn't know she'll be having nosebleeds if I did that."

"Charlie, it's not your fault. I'm just tired. It's not you, so it's fine."

"You should rest, then. Please don't force yourself." Siron said, his face full of worries.

He left after checking that she's already fine. Bri and Charlie heard nothing from Siron after what happened. The next day, still at the living room, Charlie finished his school assignments, and Bri was at the window watching the first snowfall that afternoon. She went near the grand piano and sat on the chair. Charlie went to the window too and watched the dancing white fragments in midair. Bri closed her eyes, trying to recall the only piano piece she knows how to play. The song Brian taught her. She started pressing the keys slowly, then played it in two hands. The rhythm travelled the whole living room. It's melody's soft and soothing. Charlie turned to look at her, very pleased to hear her play.

"My mom was a piano teacher." He said as he sway his head with the beat. "I've heard this song before. Dad plays this one sometimes." He continued.

"Really? but how did he- I mean, it's an original piece," she said as she continued playing it. "My brother's piano teacher composed it." She added, then looked at Charlie who shrugged his shoulders.

A short moment passed when Siron stormed down the stairs and appeared from the door, then halted when he saw it's Bri who was playing the piano. He looked frozen on his feet, lost. Bri stopped as she and Charlie turned to look at Siron.

"Sorry." He said, as he hesitantly exited the room.

Bri and Charlie looked at each other quizzically.

"Your dad, he seemed restless these days. What's with him?" She asked but Charlie just shrugged again.

Snow already covered the entire Haven's Hollow compound, spreading throughout the other places of Haventown. Snow flakes graciously dance on midair and people of Haventown stayed in and outside their homes.

Bri already decided what to pack in her rucksack for her short vacation in Maine. For so many years, she didn't go home to spend Christmas with her parents. Not that she's avoiding them, but not wanting to reminisce memories of her dead brother in that place.

"Time flies so fast, isn't it? Christmas is less than a week now. My parents will be happy to see you again."

"I'm pretty excited too, since it's been so long. How about your plans with the Radfords?"

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