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And suddenly the world went quiet. She had never dealt with anything more difficult than her own lost soul. A maze with no escape in which she pondered the male gaze. She lost herself again and now feels unsafe. She thinks about the memories, the feelings she cant get rid off. He. It was he she only thought about. He was the only one who made her feel safe, the guidance she needed in life. The sad truth is she didn't appreciate him enough. The sad truth is he'd been by her side through everything. His face, elegant and pure. Intoxicating green eyes. Lips smooth as ice, so fine and perfect. His kiss... feels like soft rain on a summer evening. It feels like an explosion of the best flavours in the universe all at once mingling together and creating the best taste and sensation you've ever feel. His nose, it was perfectly defined. The small freckles that glowed on his face. His hair, perfect to run her fingers through. And as she chokes up at night, tears streaming down her face, he is happy. But not with her, he is happy with another, and this.. it what killed the most. She's lost control and she's scared of moving on without him. She hopes their paths cross again, then the stars will align and will shine far brighter than they ever have, her heart will pump with joy, the suns heat will crisper her skin. She wants to wait for him even if it takes eternity. He was her favourite feeling. His words were all that mattered. She will wait for her even when she fades from his memory. He will be the death of her. For her first love & first heartbreak exist forever and never leave her soul. Him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2021 ⏰

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