Chapter Twenty Three - The Escape

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Was it possible, Dear Reader, that one night of scandal could lead to a lifetime of love?

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Was it possible, Dear Reader, that one night of scandal could lead to a lifetime of love?

Someone was banging the door of Katy's bedchamber. That might not have been so jarring if the culprit hadn't also been shouting her name at the top of his lungs.

Startled from a sound sleep, Hayden sat bolt upright in the bed, muttering an oath. Katy simply rolled over to her stomach and moaned in protest, refusing to abandon their cozy nest of rumpled blankets and entwined limbs.

But the banging and shouting showed no signs of ceasing.

Clutching a pillow to her naked breasts, Katy sat up and raked a tousled curl out of her heavy-lidded eyes. "I do believe it's Hero. Whatever is the matter with him? Did I scream again?"

Sliding his arms around her waist, Hayden nuzzled the downy skin at the nape of her neck and murmured, "No, but if he's willing to wait, it can be arranged."

The banging persisted.

When Katy tried to wiggle out of his grasp, Hayden simply shoved her back among the pillows. "I warned you that if I ever got you into a proper bed, my lady, I was never going to let you out of it. You stay right where you are. I'll handle him this time." His expression stern and his hair poking out in all directions, Hayden clambered from the bed, sweeping a quilt around his lean hips.

"Careful," she warned. "He might be armed."

"If he is, then he'd best be prepared to choose his second because this time I have every intention of accepting his challenge."

Katy might have been more alarmed by her husband's threat if she hadn't been distracted by how scrumptious he looked garbed in nothing but a quilt. Sighing dreamily, she admired the masculine roll of his hips as he swaggered to the door and threw it open.

Hero opened his mouth, but before he could utter a word, Hayden shook a finger in his face. "I've had it up to here with your meddling, Hero. Katherine is not a child anymore. She's all grown up and she doesn't need you poking your arrogant nose in her business. You may still be her brother-in-law, but you're no longer her guardian. She's my wife now and she's right where she bloody well belongs and intends to stay—in my bed!"

Frowning in bewilderment, Hero peered over Hayden's shoulder at Katy. Warmed by a thrill of pride, Katy grinned and wiggled her fingers at him.

Hero shifted his gaze back to Hayden, something in his expression making Katy's smile fade. "I didn't come here about Katy. It's your daughter. She's gone missing."

After hastily tossing on their scattered garments, Katy and Hayden hurried downstairs to find most of the family gathered in the drawing room.

Hero was pacing in front of the secretaire. Josephine perched on the edge of the cream-colored sofa, her pretty face etched with strain. Karina sat on the divan, while Anthony leaned against the hearth behind her, his indolent posture belied by the fitful drumming of his fingernails on the mantel.

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