Epilogue - The End

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From the society page of The Times, 

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From the society page of The Times, 


May 26, 1831

Lady Madelaine Oakleigh, the lovely young offspring of one of our fair city's most respected citizens, made her debut into society tonight at the home of the infamous Devil of Deansbrook. She began the evening with a performance of Beethoven's "Tempest" on the piano. When the guests, which included the king, were stunned into silence by her brilliance, her proud papa leapt to his feet, shouting, "Bravo! Bravo!," and then proceeded to lead the crowd in a round of thunderous applause.

Her delighted stepmother, renowned author of Lord Death's Bride and My Darling Bluebeard, rarely left her husband's arms during the dizzying round of waltzes and quadrilles. 

When asked what she was working on next, she simply beamed up at her doting husband and replied, "A Happy Ending."



In One Night of Scandal, Hayden's first wife, Justine, suffered from bipolar disorder (also known as manic-depression). Until recent decades, it was not known that bipolar disorder was caused by chemical imbalances in the brain—imbalances that can be effectively treated with medication just like heart disease, kidney disease, and diabetes.

Even today, the disease, which affects over forty million people across the world, is frequently misdiagnosed as depression or schizophrenia. If you or a loved one are experiencing marked fluctuations in mood, characterized by bouts of depression followed by periods of euphoria, insomnia, irritability, racing speech and thoughts, grandiose delusions, impulsiveness, poor judgment, reckless behavior, and in the most severe cases, paranoia, delusions, and hallucinations, please consult your physician or visit mental health websites for more information.

Today, adequate medical treatment can offer something Justine could only dream of...hope.

With love, 

The Author Of This Book.

January 29th, 2023

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