A Little Practice (1/2)

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Singto and Krist did a little practice before their first kissing scene.

"Singto, Krist come here I need to discuss something with you." Their acting coach called them.

"Yes, Phi..." Krist and Singto both got up from the floor where they were huddled together playing ROV.

"Listen, we are going to shoot the first kissing scene tomorrow evening. As you know we will first be shooting the terrace kissing scene and then we will shoot the Rama VII Bridge one." The coach eyed both of them to ensure that both are still following.

"So I want both of you to practice a little bit." The coach said to both of them.

"Umm.. Phi!!!! What exactly do you want us to practice." Kit spoke, redness already creeping on his cheeks.

"See, I know both of you must have kissed someone so I don't doubt your abilities in that department a bit. But I must tell you that kissing someone in the privacy of your four walls is very different than kissing in front of numerous cameras and hundreds of people watching you. And I think for both of you it's your first time kissing in front of cameras." Both Singto and Krist nodded in understanding and answering.

"I know it's just a very small peck but I have seen many actors getting nervous before their first kissing scene and it's very awkward, to be honest. Also, a lot of time is wasted to make the actors comfortable. I know both of you are very comfortable with each other and also you both have done numerous activities very nicely in the workshops. But then also I want both of you to go through the script once more. Mug up the lines nicely, practice the scene with each other. This will help you tomorrow with the scene." The coach explained to them, asking for their opinions.

"Yes, Phi we understood your opinions. Don't worry we will practice it and we won't disappoint you." Singto replied giving his bright smile.

"That's the spirit...." The coach replied enthusiastically punching on Singto's shoulder.

"Also practicing the lines beforehand will save you from the before scene cold feet and both of you won't shutter and would be confident. You don't need to actually kiss just run through the lines."

"Yes, Phi we understood." Kit smiled confidently but his insides were already churning with butterflies.

"I guess both of you already had dinner and you don't have any more scenes so it would be better if both of you start practicing wherever you find it comfortable to do so. You may leave." Saying that the coach handed them the script and walked away.

"Ummm... P'Sing it would be better to practice it somewhere private I guess." Kit was already nervous and doing it at a place where anyone could walk into them is already making him jittery.

"What do you suggest Kit? " Singto asked his nong calmly.

"Well, Phi my condo is just around the corner so it would be better to practice there I think." Kit tried to answer as coolly as possible.

"Sure Kit as you say. Let's bid goodbye to everyone." Both of them walked to their friend and seniors and bid them goodbye. After a lot of every kind of teasing which left both of them very red, they came out of the building with a manager who will drop them at Kit's condo. They both are very new to acting but still, their fanbase is increasing very rapidly and that's why they don't want to take any kind of risk while traveling alone in a taxi.

After a few minutes, they reached Kit's condo. Singto has already come to Kit's condo before to chill or play games but this is the first time when it will just two of them. Earlier at least one of their friend used to accompany them. They have never been alone like this. Just thinking about being alone with Kit made Singto sweat like balls.

It's no secret that Singto adores his junior since the day he laid his eyes on him. But right now he doesn't want to give any name to these feelings when the other one is already in a relationship. He just wants to enjoy this time with his adorable nong.

"Come on P'Sing let's go." Kit directed Singto to walk with him upstairs. The manager already told Singto to give him a call whenever their work is finished so that he can drop Singto back at his home

"P'Sing please make yourself comfortable. I will be right back." Singto sat down on the sofa like always and started memorizing lines from the script.

"Singtuan would you like something to drink. I have coffee, tea, orange juice and whiskey." Kit asked from the kitchen. Singto needed something to calm his nerves and what's better than some sips of whiskey but then what if they get drunk by mistake. No, he doesn't want to take any kind of risk and embarrass himself.

"Just a glass of water will do. Thank You." Singto tried to focus back on the script but he has far gone to do that right now. His heart is beating a bit too fast for his liking.

"Got it Phi." Kit answered.

Singto took out his mouth freshener spray and used it quietly. A man can only hope. What he failed to notice was that the other man did the same thing secretly.

"Uhh..P'Sing here is your glass of water." Kit said handling glass of chilled water to Singto.

"Thank you Kit." Singto took a small sip of water and tried to calm his nerves with the chilled water.

"So let's begin."

Both of them were enjoying these moments with each other. Memorizing the lines together, laughing and encouraging each other whenever they make mistakes. They tried to run through lines with different kinds of expressions and emotions. They were really happy that the coach suggested them to do this practice otherwise they would have made fool of themselves because of nervousness.

They didn't know when an hour passed away. They both were sitting on the other end of the sofa at the beginning of the hour but somehow at the end of the hour, they are so close to each other that they can easily feel the body heat of the other. Kit's heart was trying to jump out of his body. He doesn't know what is happening with him. Why is he feeling so intimated by his Phi?

"Kongpop....do you remember that I still have a favor to ask from you?" Kit started acting his part once again but this time his voice was a bit more serious. Singto can feel the thick tension in the air.

"Yes, I do remember." Singto performed his lines with the same intensity.

They kept getting closer and closer with each dialogue. And suddenly the last line of the scene came.

"I also want you to know that at this very moment you are the only person that I love." They don't know who moved first but when they understood the situation their lips were already on others. They both hold their breadth and just kept their lips touched with others without moving even a bit giving the other the full chance to back out. After a heartbeat when no one moved back Singto moved his lips a little and tugged Kit's bottom lip.

They started savoring each other very slowly and patiently. Their hands were holding the sofa tightly like they need to do with the bench in the actual scene. Suddenly they became impatient and started nibbling other's lips. Singto tried his boundaries and sneaked his tongue inside Kit's mouth very slowly. Kit tasted better than Singto has ever imagined him. A bit of mint with his unique taster. They parted away because of less oxygen and blush covered both of them.

This kiss wasn't how it was supposed to be. For the series, they just need to touch each other's lips and part away. But this was a full-blown kiss and Kit dare say he enjoyed every bit of it. A smile appeared on Kit's face and he refused to look at Singto at all.

"Ahem... So I guess this way Kongpop and Arthit will find their happy ending" Kit spoke trying to be a bit confident but failing miserably.

"I hope one day Krist and Singto will also find their happy ending." Singto said with all the devotion. Krist looked at Singto with confused eyes and then Singto kissed Kit's tomato red cheek and dropped a small kiss on Kit's forehead too.


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