Grey hairs and wrinkles

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Years passed and I was still using the same old technique until one day.
I walked down to the market, to the same bread stand , "2 loaves please" He gets the loaves and says " A guilder", I was surprised usually they don't ask for money, "Oh" I put on my fake sad face and voice to trick the man, "I must've forgotten my wallet sir, I'm so hungry and I can't think straight please would you be so kind as to give me them for free?"
"No! Guards this old hag is trying to steal!" Old hag? I turned to the mirror besides me, wrinkles, grey hairs what was happening?! Was I getting old!

Before I knew it the guards were chasing me around the market, I sprinted running for what felt like forever. It started to get dark and I got weary, I found a small hidden place to rest for a while. I thought back to the day, how old I was, my charms wouldn't work! I've never had a job or money I never needed one! I was worried and upset thinking about how could I ever get food again!
I sang the song me and father would sing, it made me feel safer, comfortable and less scared. As I'm singing a golden light catches the corner of my eye, I look closer... a flower? It looked oddly familiar but before I could remember I passed out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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