You Better Run

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* Recommended Song: Hayloft - Mother Mother *

You spit blood out on the floor next to you. Two men stand in front of you listing off questions that you would get punished for not answering. Standard interogation tactics except this was only a trap to help find them.

" Who has access to Ultron's data files?" One of the men asked while tracing his finger over a large selection of knives on the table. You cock an eyebrow at him.

" New kitchen set?" You ask, ignoring the question. You were met with a swift backhand. You winced as your cheek burned from impact. The man slammed his hands on the table and let out a frustarated groan. You had done this so many times that they reacted to certain things you'd say like clockwork. You didn't love being bait but you were the newest Avenger and hadn't built up quite the reputation the rest had so you were seen as weaker. Loki compared it to 'Get Help' which is he was not fond of.

" What kind of security does Stark have set up in the Tower?" The man asked, picking up a rather large knife. A bluff, they always aim to scare you with the big knives but its the small ones that they actually use.

" Not sure, but we do have a door camera so there's that." You respond with a shrug as best you could while being strapped to a chair. Expecting another slap or maybe a threat, you were throughly surprised when you saw the knife enter your thigh. Shock and adrenaline must have blocked out the pain because it didn't hurt. He wasn't bluffing. The men laughed at your expression.

" Here let me help you." The man said cynically as he moved the knife around, before beginning to pull it out.

"No! Wait!" You screamed, if he pulled it out then you'd bleed out in a few minutes. You had no idea when the Avengers would show up so you couldn't risk it. The man stopped his movements but still held onto the knife. You could feel his hot breath on your face and it smelled disgusting.

" Oh so now you have an actual answer?" He laughed, he turned to the other man in the room before nodding.

" Are you even sure we still have the files?" You ask, trying not to move. Your body screamed to move but you didnt want to cause anymore damage to your leg. The mans face fell for half a second but long enough for you to see he was second guessing himself. The second man moved to him quickly. He whispered something before the first man left out of the room. You looked around the room for an exit. Usually you come back from these interogartions with a few scratches or bruises but this was definetly more intense.

" You have five seconds to tell me how to get into Avengers Tower." The second man said coldly. You panicked but stood your ground.

"5..." What is he going to do if you don't?

"4..." Are they close?

"3..." Your hands start to sweat with anticipation on what he might do

"2..." You won't crack, you are stronger than him.

"1..." You stare directly into his eyes with a stone face.

His fist collided with your nose sending your head back. Instantly you knew it was broken and your vision went blurry. Blood came gushing out of your nose as you tried to focus on which of the six men you see was the actual one in the room. He rubbed his hand before crouching in front of you.

" Let's try this again, how do I ge-" He was cut off by a huge bang coming from outside the room. They were here. You smiled weakly at him as fear filled his eyes.

" You better run." You laugh softly, seeing little dots start to cloud your vision. As you start to shut your eyes, you hear the door slam open.

" You can either come with us willingly or you can end up like your friend out there." You hear Clint threaten. You open your eyes barely to see the outline of Clint and Natasha. You watch the man think for a moment before looking at you then your leg.

" Don't even think about it." Natasha hissed, but he had already grabbed the knife and pulled it out. You screamed as you felt it jerk out of your leg. Clint had shot the man in the thigh with an arrow sending the man back in pain. You watched your pants started to become a crimson color. Everything became very cold and you felt light. 

You closed you eyes again and started to drift off until you felt someone push on the open wound. It hurt incredibly bad but you couldn't move anything.

"Y/N!" You heard Natasha yell for you but you were drifting in and out of consciousness. You heard more voices and then sirens. You felt hands try to move you but each second they felt fainter and fainter until you felt nothing.


There was an annoying beeping sound as you felt yourself wake up. The air felt cool and clean? You slowly opened your eyes while the bright white color of the room blinded you for a few seconds. You let out a cough that shot pain throughout your body. You went to sit up but felt a pair of hands keep you down. You looked up to see who it was.

" You should take it easy." Natasha said softly, her eyes looked slightly red but you just did as she said and relaxed.

" Did we get the information we needed?" You ask, your voice slightly scratchy. She gives you a small smile.

" We did but if you don't mind I would rather talk about something else since I haven't talked to you in 3 days." She answered, adding a humorless laugh at the end.

" Must've been a quiet 3 days then." You add trying to lighten the mood.

" Practically unbearable." She played along. You smiled softly at her.

" So are you gonna kiss me or?" You ask, she smiles at you before sitting up and tentatively connecting her lips with yours. It was soft and sweet and too short for your liking.

" You scared me." She admitted, you frowned slightly. " Seeing you covered in your own blood and passed out in the chair. I thought the worst had happened and that I had lost you."

" I'm here now though, alive and still yours." You try to comfort her. She nods and brings your lips together again.

" What happened to those men?" You ask when you pull apart.

" I got the answers we needed out of them." She said coldy, it gave you goosebumps. " It didn't take much for them to spill everything, I will admit I wish they would've held out longer."

" Is it bad that you scare me in all the best ways." You laugh, interlocking your fingers with her to relieve the tight fist she had. She rolled her eyes before kissing your forehead.

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