The Fake Suicidal Kid

283 41 42

The fake suicidal kids, that's what we should call them.

Some people pretend to be suicidal and depressed for attention. Sadly, this kind of people exist in wattpad.

They constantly complain about things on their MB. Like saying 'I'm very depressed.... I just want to die' or even 'I'm again self harming' or anything. [I'm not saying everyone who write these in their MB are fake. This is just an example]

Like seriously, you shouldn't make fun of this kind of stuff. There's a lot of people who actually suffer from this.

Once in a while, they post massage like 'I'm sorry but goodbye. I'm gonna kill myself' and so many people reply with their kind and inspiring words.
Then after some moment, they come back and people still be happy for them and congrats them for surviving one more time.

Yeah, people on wattpad is actually that nice and like to help each other even thought not knowing if they are lying or not.

But seriously, they doesn't deserve help from those 'kind people' when they doesn't even need that.

Please don't be an attention seeker. And if you actually suffer from this, then please seek help.
Feel free to message me anytime if you need anything or simply just want someone to talk to. I'm always here for you and I don't judge. 😊 💖💖💖

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