Chapter 19

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You Again?

"Don't wait until you're in crisis to come up with a crisis plan." – Phil McGraw


Ethan's POV

"I'm going to need the quarterly report on my desk by the end of the week," I told my assistant, MaryAnne, who was walking alongside me furiously typing notes on her iPad. "And call accounting and tell them I want to see Tom in my office."

"Yes, Mr. Thomas." She nodded vigorously.

"I will also be out of town for most of next week, but clear my afternoon on Friday," I added, rounding the corner to my office. "Don't schedule any – "

The words drifted from my mouth as I came face to face with an all too familiar blonde just outside my door. "That's all for now, MaryAnne." I quickly dismissed, keeping my eye trained on the person I was hoping never to see again.

"What are you doing here?" I growled, grabbing her arm and pulling her into my office.

"Hello to you too." She smirked, her eyes curiously scanning the room. "So this is your new office, huh? A downgrade from the one in London if you ask me."

Slamming the door shut, I took a deep breath. "I asked you what you're doing here, Stacy."

"I thought I'd come to visit my husband."

"We're not married anymore Stacy." I rolled my eyes, walking around the large wooden desk and taking a seat in my chair.

"Oh, but we are." She tsked. "The divorce isn't finalized yet, so technically we're still married."

"Not for long."

"Don't be like that." She pouted, taking a seat across from me. I watched as she crossed her perfectly toned legs and adjusted the length of her beige pencil skirt. Once, many years ago, I might have found it to be attractive. Now – her mere presence pissed me off.

"If you don't get to the point Stacy," I stared her deadpan in the eye. "I'm calling security."

"Look Ethan" She leaned forward, pushing her cleavage out. "It's clear that you want our divorce proceedings to be over as quickly as possible. It's actually why I'm here – I have a proposition for you."

This ought to be good.

Against my better judgment, I asked, "And what proposition would that be?"

"I'm willing to sign the divorce papers tomorrow in front of our lawyers if you agree to give me a higher settlement."

Should've gone with my gut and called security the moment I saw her.

"You've clearly lost your mind." I laughed, shaking my head.

"Just think about it, darling." She flashed me an overly sweet smile, leaning back in her seat and crossing her arms.

"There's nothing to think about!" I narrowed my eyes at her. "I'm already giving you more than I have to, considering I'm the one that walked in on you and your yoga instructor in my house."

"Our house."

"I'm giving you ten seconds to get out of my office before I throw you out." I gritted, holding her gaze and leaning forward in my seat.

"Are you sure?" She asked, a coy smirk dancing on her lips. "I ran into your little friend, McKenzie."

"Excuse me?" My eyes flashed with anger at the mention of McKenzie.

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