Chapter 4 • A Way Back Home?

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Yami sits in a chair, smoking a cigarette as everything is in chaos

The bulls have spread out all across the kingdom in search of Asta and Mimosa, The Golden Dawn have aslo been on the lookout along with the other squads, Julius went as far to tell the Heart Kingdom to be on lookout for them, and offering a ransom note to the Spade and Diamond Kingdom for however much money they want for them if found

"Oh kid, just where did you go this time" Yami says as he takes a puff of his cigarette, worried for the safety of his boy....

Asta wakes up in the arms of Mimosa, Asta resting his head on.... oh

Asta looks at what's going on, Astas head is resting in between Mimosas chest, him realizing all too late as he looks up to see Mimosa as red as a tomato, looking at Asta as he nervously smiles

"I didn't know! I'm sorry!" Asta says as Mimosa smiles nervously, putting her hand on Astas head

"If you wanted too, you could've asked" Mimosa says still red as Asta rests his head back on her chest, realizing that she likes it too, a smile of victory quickly appearing across his face

After a little while of laying around and talking to each other , Asta and Mimosa rise up and clean up the camp, eating before they get ready to set out, to see exactly what is going on

Asta quickly ascends into his half devil form and flys up into the sky, checking out what is around them, and trying to get a good view of the environment around them, him seeing mostly trees, but seeing something in the distance... it looks like a house!

"Mimosa! I found a house!" Asta yells as he flys to the ground to tell her with a bright smile on his face, causing Mimosa to smile as well

"Good, Lets go!" Mimosa says with a smile as Asta grabs Mimosa up, bridal style, and flying into the air

As they fly into the air, Asta looks into Mimosas eyes, they have a beautiful and bright color to them, something he's always loved about her, Mimosa looking back into his eyes a beautiful green color

"You still on for our lunch when we get back?" Asta says with a smirk as Mimosa smiles brightly

"Of course i am silly, you didn't say yes to just bail out on me right?" Mimosa says as she pokes Astas nose playfully, both laughing

"Now, lets go!" Asta says as he flys off into the direction of the small home, made out of wood with a chimney on top, smoke coming out of it, indicating that someone is there at this moment, a welcoming sign for Asta and Mimosa, a sign they can finally leave if the person could tell them how too

As they get closer to the small house, Asta makes sure to lose his devil form as they land in the forrest, cleaning themselves up a bit before they move out, walking slowly to the house as they knock on the door, waiting for a response

"I hope he can help us out" Mimosa says with a pout as Asta nods his head in agreement, hoping to be able to at least get a name of where they are at and directions

As Asta and Mimosa wait for an answer, a knock on the door interrupts them, a older man opening the door for them and looking rather confused

"Well ill be damned, in my 60 plus years of living year, I've barely seen any other humans, and now i see two young ones looking like they just finished fighting wild animals" the old man says with a laugh as Asta and Mimosa smile nervously, him not being too far off what had actually happened

"Yes hi, me and my friend here have wandered up on this land by accident, if you could, can you help us?" Mimosa asks kindly as the man raises his brow

"Im not too sure who you two are or how you got here, but you must be pretty far from home" The old man says as Asta nods

"We were wondering if you could tell us where we are" Asta asks as the man nods

"Well this is the island of Arix, a small island not really close to any neighboring kingdoms or islands, where are you two from?" The old man asks the two mages as Asta shows the man his magic knight badge and robe he kept on him

"Were from the Clover Kingdom, and we are magic knights, people entrusted with keeping the public safe from those who want to harm the kingdom" Asta says confidently as the old man nods

"The Clover Kingdom? That's quite a long way from now, by boat it would take about a day to get there, just how did you end up on this island?" The man asks as Asta sighs along with Mimosa

"Well we had fought an opponent, his back was against the wall and he sent us here in a last ditch effort" Asta says as the man nods, looking at the ruffed up pair and letting them inside

"You two look like a mess, take a shower and eat before you two go off, you'll need your energy for the trip" The old man tells the two mages as they both immediately bow to the old man

"Thank you!" They both say as Mimosa walks off to take a shower, leaving Asta with the old man as they sit down at a table

"So sir, what is your name?" Asta asks the old man as he smiles

"My name is Emerald, its quite a unique name but hey its something" The old man says as Asta shakes his hand

"Well i am Asta, and that was Mimosa, i thank you for your hospitality" Asta says with a smile as Emerald smiles back at Asta

Once Mimosa leaves the shower, Asta leaves to shower while Mimosa gets dressed herself

"Me and Asta were so close this morning, i wonder if he did that because he l-l-likes me!" Mimosa thinks to herself as she gets warm at the thought of her and Asta being so close, his hard chest against her head as they slept together last night..... she couldn't keep it in any longer, today, she's going to confess!

While Asta showers, Emerald cools in the kitchen while the two ready and tidy themselves up, finally all sitting down at the table to eat when the food is. i finished and ready

Emerald cooked some noodles, Asta and Mimosa smiling as it was nice to be able to eat something other then meat for once

"Thank you for the meal Emerald!" Asta and Mimosa both say with a smile as they take a spoonful of noodles, shoving it into their mouths

Asta and Mimosa instantly swallow some noodles, both enjoying the taste at first, before feeling a odd feeling

Mimosa falls to the ground unconscious, Asta getting up from the table as he looks at the old man, him smiling at the two of them

"You... bastered" Asta says as he falls to the ground, passed out as Emerald smiles, grabbing both their bodies with a smile

"God dammit Neptune, even after taking my spot, you still decide to give me the hard work asshole" Emerald says with a attitude as he walks out of the small house with Mimosa and Asta on his shoulders, the wind blowing his shirt up slightly to reveal....... the number 1 engraved into his back

The Clover Kingdom....

Marx, Yami, Willam and Julius stand over the body of Neptune, him being knocked out and restrained in a chair

Marx is scanning through his memoirs, trying to find something, although tough to break through as the mages have some sort of mental blocker to prevent people from stealing information straight from the kind of them, Marx prevails and finds what he needs..... but it isn't the best news

"Oh no..... They're in trouble!" Marx says as everyone in the room breaks a sweat at this....

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