Chapter 5 • A Trap

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"What do you mean... what's happening?" Yami says as he rises up, confused but scared

"It seems that Neptune has sent the two of them to a island that's fully controlled and maintained by the old number 1 Shining General, a man named Emerald" Marx says as Yami and Willam both have a sign of fear in their hearts

"That basterd Emerald, i remember him" Yami says as he clenches his fist at his name

"I do as well, we have fought a couple times on the battlefield, he was a strong opponent" Willam says as he flashbacks to Yami and Willam on the battle field, staring down Emerald as they are both bruised and tired, would a 2 on 1 even be enough for Asta and Mimosa to fight Emerald?

"They are located on the island of Arix, a island a long ways distance from here, maybe about a day to travel there, from the looks of Neptune's memories, it seems like Emerald retired there, but Neptune sent Asta and Mimosa in a last ditch effort to both kill them and to escape with his own life from Asta" Marx says as Yami immediately heads to the door

"I'm going to move out immediately, hopefully i can get there in time " Yami says as he runs out of the building, quickly finding a boat and heading out towards the long journey to Arix....

Asta wakes up, tied to a chair as he looks around, seeing Mimosa tied to a chair as well, thankfully okay

"Well well, you're finally up" Emerald says as he approaches Asta, smiling sadisticlly at him

"What are you doing? I thought you were gonna find a way for us to go home" Asta says as Emerald shakes his head

"I would've.... if you weren't Clover Mages, i hate them" Emerald says as he flashes his back, revealing the number one engraved into it as Astas eyes open wide in shock

"I was the former number , but after Neptune took my place and i retired, I was instructed to deal with any mages sent here if they were Clover, Heart or even Spade" Emerald says as Ast grits his teeth

"You asshole, let's us go!" Asta says as Emerald smiles, walking slowly over to Mimoss and playing with her hair, angering Asta to almost a boiling point

"DONT TOUCH HER!" Asta yells as Mimosa wakes up to find the old man touching her hair, her looking away in both embarrassment and fear

"You see, i haven't had a good fight in a while, so here's the deal, i'll fight you, and the girl can leave the island, but just know, if you fight me here.... you'll die" Emerald says with a laugh as Asta instantly goes to accept it, but Mimosa stops him

"If he fights you, i will too.... maybe a two on one is what you'll want" Mimosa says as Emerald thinks about it, smiling

"I accept, but this better be a good fight, i don't want to end you without any challenge" Emerald says as Asta easily breaks out of his restraints, going over to Mimosa to untie her

"I'll protect you" Asta says with a kind tone as Mimosa blushes, getting up as Asta stares down Emerald

"I'll give you the fight you want, and leave here" Asta says as he ascends into half devil form, holding his Demon Slayer in hand as Emerald smiles

"Show me what you got!" He yells as Asta charges straight at him, Emerald jumping into battle and starting off by colliding punches, sending a shockwave throughout the forrest and knocking trees down, their manas clashing together

Asta swings down his sword and misses Emerald, the old man jumping back as he smiles


The old man sends out a pillar of Emerald which smacks Asta, sending him back but he quickly recoperates and gets back onto the ground

"I see how he got his name now" Asta tells himself as he flys back in, swinging his sword as he throws many projectiles at Emerald, him dodging each one of them as he summons a wall of emerald which Asta easily smashes through

"You're strong kid.... maybe you will give me the fight i want!" Emerald says as he kicks a incoming Asta in the stomach, making him spit out blood as he grabs him by the air and slams him into the ground, shaking the ground around them as Mimosa looks on in fear

"Win Asta!" Mimosa thinks to herself as Asta rises up again and tries to back up

"Do you want to know why i selected this island to live on, well it's quite simple actually...... there's a shitload of emerald here" Emerald says with a smile as he raises his hands, massive amounts of emerald shooting from the ground as one pillar smacks Asta into the ground next to Mimosa

"Asta!" Mimosa says as she immediately runs to Astas side

"Mimosa.... you need to go, i'll stay here an-" Asta tries to say as Mimosa stops him

"Don't Asta, i can't leave you here.... i can't because... i love you Asta" Mimosa says with tears in her eyes as Astas eyes open wide

"I love everything about you, just the thought of leaving you here hurts me, i don't wanna spend my life without you, so please, survive and we can win this, together" She says as plants surrounds her, Asta looking in shock and awe

"I haven't gotten a good grip on this yet, but for you, i'll try my hardest Asta" Mimosa says as plants wrap around her and cover her fully, wings sprouting from her back as she looks on, Asta rising up and standing alongside her, smiling


"Alright.... Mimosa" Asta says as they both charge into battle, colliding with Emerald as he now has a challenge presented in front of him, a hard one at that fact

"This isn't good!" He yells as he's hit in the face by Asta, Mimosa kicking him in the face next as Asta drops to the ground, grabbing his leg and flipping him over, Mimosa taking advantage and kicking him back into a nearby tree

"Those two seem to move in perfect sync!" Emerald says as he summons a walk of emerald around him to protect himself, but it doesn't matter.....


Mimosa forms a giant cannon made from trees and plants and fires off a great beam, easily breaking the wall around Emerald as Asta comes up next , kicking him into the air as he looks in both shock and fear

"I've been defeated.... by two kids?" He says to himself as Asta smiles

"Thank you... Mimosa!" He says as he slices clean through Emerald, killing the former number one right there and then

"He did it!" Mimosa says as she flys into the air and hugs Asta, him hugging her back

The Devil and Angel stand side by side, looking over the beautiful scenery the island has to offer

"Mimosa.... i love you too, i love everything about you, and i want us to be together, even if it means the whole world is against us, i just want you" Asta says with a kind smile as Mimosa sheds tears of joy at his words

"Even if the whole world is against us, i'll always have you.... i love you Asta" She says as she embraces Asta, sharing a kiss with him to seal the deal on their relationship, finally securing what the other one has wanted for a long long time.

As Asta and Mimosa look through the house, they find a map and a boat, they leave out to sea and on the way home, they find Yami which is a big sigh of relief

After this, they head back to the kingdom, coming back with something they didn't have before leaving, a relationship and a companion.

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