The Unknown

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My mother and I moved around for most of my life, just when I thought I could settle in we would be uprooted once more. Her job required her to be flexible, and able to move whenever it came time. Though she never thoroughly explained what she did, she just told me she was part of making the world a safer place so I trusted her. One day we were in Clinton, Iowa, when she told me we had to leave again. We threw our stuff into the back of our burnt orange, pickup truck and she drove off. She was visibly uneasy, sweating profusely, and constantly looking behind us. No matter how much I asked she didn't tell me why we left nor where we were headed, we usually stay at least 3 months, this time didn't even last three weeks. I woke back up when we arrived at some junkyard. The air smelled of rust, and the sun beat down on me like it was mid-summer in death valley. 

"Come on y/n, we're here." my mother said before letting out a deep sigh. 

As I got out of the truck and grabbed our bags, a strange-looking man had greeted her. He had short dark brown hair, a thick beard with gray streaks peeking through, a beer gut that made him look about seven months pregnant and smelled like cigarettes, beer, and honey whiskey. She was talking with him before she started to cry. The man has hugged her as I made my way over to them. 

"Y/N, this is your uncle, Bobby," she said wiping the tears from her eyes.

That name had rung a bell. I hadn't seen him since I was little. From what I remember, he and my mom didn't get along well, which made me even more confused as to why we were here. 

I greeted Bobby and he brought us inside. He was getting us a couple of drinks when I finally spoke up and asked my mom why we were here. 

"I got some business I gotta handle and I want you here. You'll be safe here," she said.

"Safe from what?" I asked. 

She ignored my question, handed me her leather jacket, and handed Bobby two envelopes. After she did that, she hugged me. Part of me felt like I wouldn't see her again so I took it in. I wanted to remember the smell of her hair, her perfume, and the strength of her grip. She left, and I felt heartbroken. 

Bobby had shown me to my bedroom.  It looked like it was designed for a boy. However, he said I could change anything I wanted which gave me a micro amount of joy. At dinner, Bobby handed me one of the envelopes from my mother. I refused to read it, and I went back to bed. I laid there thinking of what my mother could need to do that she would drop me at my uncle's home. It didn't take much time before I fell asleep. 

I woke up around 4:15 in the morning. I decided to take a few laps around the junkyard to try and get my mind off things. It was around 5 o'clock when Bobby came out and wanted to speak with me.

"You okay kid? I know it was a bit sudden, your mom dropping you off here. If there's anything you need just let me know."

"I'm okay right now, Bobby. I do have one question though if you don't mind."


"What exactly does mom do?"I asked.

"Well, that's actually what I wanted to talk to you about Darlin. Your mom, like myself, is a hunter. We take care of the things that lurk in the dark. That's the reason you're here actually. Your mother got caught up in some pretty heavy stuff. What she was hunting was stronger than she thought, it threatened her, that it would come after you. That's why she left you here. She wanted me to train you while she went after the entity that was after you."

"What entity? What are you talkin' about Bobby?"

"When you were a baby, something came to visit you in your nursery while your mom was working. Your father heard you crying and went to check on you. We don't exactly know what he found but whatever it was, killed him. It lit your nursery on fire, and your father went up in flames with it. We still don't know how you made it out of there alive. No one else was in that home with you. When your mother arrived back home you were sitting on the grass wrapped in a blanket. We asked around but none of the firemen or other first responders knew how you got out either. Your mother came to me a couple years after. She wanted me to train her to hunt, she wanted to find the thing that killed your father. So I did as she asked. Years passed with you two on the road. It wasn't until recently that we learned what it was that did what it did to your family. Thanks to John Winchester we learned it was a demon. We learned it's been doing the same thing all these years we just don't know why," he said as sadness settled into his already heavily aged face.

"Why didn't mom ever tell me about this?" I asked.

"Well have you read the letter she wrote you yet?" There was a long awkward pause. "Anyhow, I called some boys that may know a thing or two about what your mother is up against. Their family had something similar happen a while back, and they are finding a way to deal with it. They will also be helping me train you for hunting. We need to keep busy or you'll find yourself just worrying about your momma too much."

"When do we-" I was cut off as a black impala pulled up with two boys, who looked like they hadn't showered in weeks, in it. 

Speaking of shower, I should go take one, I probably smell worse than those boys. I ran up to my room and quickly into my bathroom to shower, making sure to scrub every square in of my body. When I got out, all three of them were in the living room talking about my mother and I. They hadn't seen me so I decided to listen in on the conversation. 

"She just left yesterday. Some demon threatened her about Y/N and she bolted here to drop her off. My sister entrusted me to protect and train her, and thats what we are going to do. IF we learned anything from Sam's situation we know there is no normal life for children of hunters, especially marked one's like her and Sam. Our safest bet is to train her to keep herself safe and I couldn't think of anyone better than the two of you chuckle heads. So hike up your skirts, get prepared, take her out there, and train her. And you-" he said pointing to the one with shorter hair," keep your head out of the gutter, she and Sam may be the same age but I still don't want you pining after my neice."

"This is my neice, Y/n. Y/n these boys are Sam and Dean. They're gonna help train you."

"Hey" said the shorter one, Dean.

"Pleasure to finally meet you." said the taller one, Sam.

"Nice you meet you two as well. I just wish it was under better circumstances. I also just wanted to say good luck with training me. I'm about the clumiest, uncoordinated person in the world."

"Well I think I can help you with that..." Dean said with a smirk nestled on his perfectly chisled face.

Bobby, and Sam rolled their eyes then walked outside. I followed right after them, then Dean said he wanted to spar with me. They needed to evaluate how much training I would need. Dean handed me a knife and said to pretend like he was some monster trying to kill me. Which he definitely played the part. He came after me and I was able to do some cool acrobatic jump over him and place the edge of the knife at his adam's apple. It was like nothing I've done before, like a whole other part of me was unlocked. Everyone was stunned. I mean... I stunned myself.

We spent the rest of the day figuring out what else I could do. I could run faster than both of the boys, and my stamina was longer as well, though I could still get tired out. I also had great balance, and could flip around like some carnie. It was like something out of a movie, a week ago I couldn't put my own pants on without falling over like a clumsy oaf. It was like a switch was finally flicked on in my body. I don't know how it did but I have a feeling this isn't the end of what I could do. It kind of scared me though, the unknown.

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