A Confession

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After a few weeks of training the three agreed I was ready to start going on hunts.

"Bobby, Can we talk?" I asked entering his study.

"What is it ya idgjit?" He asked puzzled.

"I don't want to go on random hunts, I want to find and help my mom. I need to, I owe it to her. We lost everything, and she still found a way to keep me safe. She's looked after me all my life. It's my duty to extend her the same courtesy. Before you say anything-"He cut me off.

"I agree."He said with a straight almost demanding face.

"What?"I asked puzzled.

"I agree with you Darlin' but you are NOT doing this alone. Sam and Dean will join you. Their father is after the same thing that your mother is and I have feeling they're working together. So the boys will join you."

Suddenly the boys walked in, bags in hand.

"Let's go Y/n, we have a lead." Sam said handing me an empty duffle bag.

I ran upstairs and filled it with the wardrobe the boys had helped me collect: a dress suit, for my FBI/CIA persona Alison Van Halen, a nun outfit, for my nun persona, Sister Jean Hendrix, a modest church goer outfit, for my jesus loving persona Emily Walsh, and finally the clothes I normally wear. I also had grabbed my favorite knife, a 1990 NKCA Bertram Hen and Rosster solingen stag fixed blade hunting knife. By the time I was done, Dean was just about to come and tell me to get in the car. He threw me over one shoulder and carried my duffle in his other hand.

"Let me down ass hat." I yelled.

Suddenly he put me down, and the hood of his car. I slid off and got into the back seat of the impala.

"So where are we headed?" I asked.

"We got a tip that our dad and your mom were spotted in illinois. Chicago to be exact." Sam replied.

"What makes you think they'll still be there when we get there?"

"A leads a lead. You're more than welcome to stay here and do this on your own orphan annie." Dean said with a irritated expression on his face.

"I was just wondering..."I replied, confused as to why Dean was so on edge.

For the rest of the 8 hour drive, I stayed in my seat, reading up on everything I need to know about demons. I would fall asleep for a while and the boys would trade off on driving. However whenever Dean would try to speak to me, I ignored him. If he couldn't speak to me in a civilized manner, we didn't need to speak at all. To the contrary, this just made him even more mad. At this point I had no care for how he felt. When we finally made it to Chicago, we stopped at a bar. Sam and I were talking while Dean got us drinks. Dean came back with the bartender's number...of course, and Sam had gotten up because he apparently seen someone he recognized.

"Dean, can I ask you something..." I asked.

"You just did...just kidding, what's up?" He replied.

"Do you not like me or something? I don't get it, this entire trip you've just had the worst attitude with me. I want to know if it's something I did..."

"Can we talk about this later?" He responded.


Dean walked over to Sam and I stayed at the table drinking my beer. When Sam and Dean came back, Dean said Sam would drop us off at our hotel, becuase he wanted to stake out someone. We arrived at the hotel and I went to my room. This hotel was a lot nicer than I thought we would be staying at. Bobby must have made sure of that. The room I had was absolutely beautiful, not to mention I had a king size bed all to myself. It was quite nicer than what I was used to back at bobby's. I had my own bathroom with a huge tub. I decided to take a bath, I was drawing up the tub when I heard a knock at the door. I had looked through the peep hole and seen Dean, with a bouquet of flowers.

"What do you want?!" I yelled through the door.

"I want to finish our conversation from earlier. I brought you something to say sorry." He replied.

I let him in.

"You have 5 minutes. By the time my bath is done, you are out of here. Got it?"

"Yes Ma'am."

He handed me the flowers, and I do got to say they were quite beautiful. He brought some red, white, and yellow roses. They smelled amazing.

"Get to the point Winchester..."

"To answer your question, I am sorry. You didn't deserve to be treated the way I treated you and I was wrong for that. The truth is I think I have feelings for you, but I refuse to disobey Bobby's orders."

"Dean, you are a grown man. You don't answer to anyone but yourself. Furthermore, I know Bobby's heart is in the right place but I am a grown woman, and need no protecting from any-" I was cut off by his lips crashing into mine. 

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