Safe Haven

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"Dean stop!" I said pushing him off of me. "Listen...I feel the same for you, but right now is NOT the time NOR the place. We're here for our parents. Once we find them, we can revisit this because believe me, I want to revisit this. Now, go back to your room. I'll see you in the morning."

"I understand. Goodnight Y/n." He said leaving the room.

I walked to the bathtub shellshocked. Butterflies circled my stomach as I sank into the suddsy water.

The next morning I made my way to the boys' room quickly after grabbing all of us some coffee, Sam a croissant, and Dean a bag of donuts.

When I arrived the boys both greeted me with a hug and I handed them over their treats.

"So, we had an interesting little development last night. Turns out Sam's little groupie is summoning some creatures called Daeva's. Sam followed her into some abandoned apartment building and he heard her talk about us. We think there's a hit out on us, but we won't know til tonight. We're gonna go back and destroy her altar, hopefully gank her in the process." Dean said grinning from ear to ear.

When midnight came, we made our way to the abandoned apartment building, then up to the floor where Sam encountered Meg. As I was about to enter the room, Dean stopped me.

"I need you to go back to the car and wait there. If We arent back in twenty minutes then come up. We need you as back up. Meg doesn't know about you yet. I want to keep it that way."He said kissing my forehead.

"This is bullshit. What does it matter?"

"Y/n, Dean's right. It gives us a better chance." Sam said in agreeance with Dean.

"Fine, but please be careful you two. As of right now you and Bobby are all I got." I said before leaving back to the impala.

I waited, and the boys hadnt come back within the time they said they would. So I decided to head up. As I was about to enter the front door to the building, I heard the sound of broken glass then something hit the ground. When I looked over, it was Meg. By the time I got into the door, the boys had already met me downstairs, then we went back to the hotel for the night. When I opened the door to my room the was an outline of a woman standing in my window. As I was about to take out my knife the woman spoke up.

"Hey Darlin" said the woman in a familiar voice.

It was my mother.

I ran over to her, and into her arms. Suddenly, my mother was pulled from my hands. The Daeva's were back, and they weren't going to let go easy. They were about to tear into my mom when I realized something...The Daeva's are scared of light! I ran over to my duffle and grabbed out a flare, then lit it.

"Mom?!"I screamed.

"Let's get out of here darlin!" She responded.

I grabbed my bag and we ran out of the room, meeting the boys in the hall. We all made it to the cars when Dean spoke up.

"Wait, wait, wait! Sam, wait. Dad, Evelyn, you guys can't come with us. You're both stronger without us there."

They first put up a fight, but we all eventually agreed. My mother, and John drove off in John's truck, while the boys and I drove back to Bobby's in the impala. We all took turns driving. Sam was in the back seat of the car while Dean and I sat up front.

"Hey...You okay?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, I mean, it is what it is right? I'm just glad Bobby was right, that our parents are working together. It just gives me peace of mind knowing my mom's not out there alone." I responded with a sigh.

"I understand what you mean..." a few moments of silence pass. "Hey, um..I wanted to finish our conversation from the other night. Were you hinting that you feel the same way?"

"Yeah I's just...I don't think now is the right time for all of this, you know?" I responded.

Dean pulled over.

"Y/n, if I learned anything, being a hunter, it's that there is never a right time for anything. We could die tomorrow from clearing a nest of vamps-"

"You're right..." I said.

"Huh?!" He responded in disbelief.

"You're right. I agree. With that being said..."I pulled him by the collar of his jacket, closer to me. As our lips were about to touch he rested one of his hands on my neck and the other around my waist. It just felt right. I felt safe in his arms. Comfortable.

Suddenly Sam awoke, and cleared his throat.

I quickly pulled back. "Sorry Sammy." I sputtered.

"I think I'll drive," He said.

Dean and I took the back seat, and fell asleep within minutes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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