Joocie x Tbh

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Title : Stood up

Joocie has a girlfriend at the start of this one-shot, because I needed someone to fill in that roll. She doesn't have a name, because she isn't that important either

Joocie POV

'It has been an hour past the time we agreed on, where is she?' I thought to myself.
Our relationship wasn't going as well as we had hoped, but I was sure that a date would make it good again. Or at least make it better than it was before.

"Are you ready to order sir?" A waiter asked me.
"I'm waiting for someone, so not yet" I told him.
"Alright then, do you want a drink in the meantime?"
"No thank you, she will be here in a few minutes" I told the waiter, hoping I was right.

"No offence sir, but you've been waiting here for an hour now. I understand that you don't want to order something to eat, but please order a drink, not drinking something isn't good for you" The waiter carefully told me.
"You're right. Could you please get me a glass of water then?"
"Of course! I'd be happy to get you something to drink" The waiter said before he walked back to the kitchen.
"Here you go sir" He said as he placed a glass of water down in front of me.
I gave him a weak smile as a 'thank you', before I returned to what I was doing before he came to check up on me.

Or at least, I was going to return looking through the window, if it wasn't for a message from my girlfriend.
*I found someone else who treats me way better than you, and who is willing to have sex with me. I guess what I'm trying to say is, were over Joocie, and I don't need you see you ever again*

I decided to go back to looking through the window, this time to let it sink in what my 'girlfriend' just send me.
Quite a lot of people walked past the window, but none of them looked into the restaurant. But there was one man that did, he stopped in his tracks, and looked back at me. He tilted his head even so slightly as he looked at me. He then gave a little wave, which I returned with a small smile on my face. He was the first person to notice me. He walked away and out of my sight. Or at least, that's what I thought. Because before I realized what was happening, he sat down in front of me.

"I'm sorry I'm late dear, traffic is crazy at the moment" He said loud enough for the waiter to hear him.
"I'm Tb, just go with it okay? Whoever didn't bother to show up is an asshole anyway" He whispered to me before the waiter returned again.
"O, you finally have arrived. This young man right here has been waiting for you for a long time, you know?" The waiter scolded Tb, but luckily he went along with it.
"I know. I tried to hurry up, but my boss insisted on me staying after my normal work ours, and after that I got stuck in traffic. But I'm here now, so it all ended well, right?" Tb said, smiling at me near the end of his story.

"I suppose so..." I said, giving Tb a small smile in return.
"That's good to hear" The waiter said.
"Now, are you ready to order, or do you need a little more time?" He asked as he winked at me with a sly smile.
"If that's fine with you" I said to Tb.

"I'll have a spaghetti and a glass of coke with it please" Tb said as he ordered for himself.
"I'd like a fish and chips" I told the waiter, who nodded and went to the kitchen again.
Tb started a conversation with me while we were waiting for our food.
He didn't immediately ask me what was wrong, and I was grateful he tried to calm me down before he asked me about it.

"So, why were you so sad? If you're okay with telling a random stranger" Tb ask me once our food had been served to us.
"I was stood up by my girlfriend, and it was supposed to be our 1 year anniversary" I hesitantly told him.
"O, well, congrats I guess?..." Tb said.
"Heh, no need for that. Our relationship wasn't going too well anyway. I was just hoping it would either get better, or one of us would just plain say 'We're over'. Not me trying to make things better, only for her to text me a photo of her with someone else" I told Tb.

"Sheesh, I'm so sorry to hear that" Tb said.
"Thanks, but I guess that we were just not meant to be if a stranger cares more about me then she does" I told Tb.
"We could change that" Tb said with a wink.
"Nah, I'm already coming to terms with the fact that she doesn't care about me"
"I meant the stranger part. Maybe we could be more than just some strangers"

"That'd be great. More friends are always welcome. And I'd like to get to know you more"
Tb just grinned at me as I told him I'd like to get to know him better too. Once again we got into a conversation, but this time we told the other a bit more about ourselves.
And like always, times flies by when you're having fun. Before we knew it, we had both finished our meals, and our desserts too.
Tb paid for both of us, and walked with me to my car.

"I had fun tonight. Thank you for being there for me" I said to Tb as I opened my arms for him to get a hug.
"No problem man. You seemed like you were in a dark place, and I wanted to make you feel better" Tb said as he gave me a hug.
"Well, you did a good job doing just that. Wanna be friends?" I asked him as we both let go of each other.
"Yeah! That sounds like a great idea! Wait for a moment, then I can give you my number" Tb said as he frantically was searching his pockets for something to write his number on.
"Here you go!" He said as he gave me a paper with his number on it.

Once I was home, I put his number in my contacts, and messaged him.
*I really liked tonight, maybe we could do it again sometime*
*I'd love that!* Tb send back, almost immediately.
*Just tell me when you're felling down, so we can do this again* He send after the last text.
*I'll do that* I send back to him.

~Sometime later~

*I'm not in a good mood at the moment* I messaged Tb.
*Let's go on a date then, a planned one this time* Tb proposed, and I laughed at his reaction.
*Sure* I wrote back as I remembered the unplanned date.
*Where do you want to go?* Tb asked me.
*I mean, the restaurant that we met has good food, not gonna lie* I send back.
*Then let's go there*

That's how I'd go most of the times. I wasn't feeling to well emotionally, and would text Tb, who asked me to go on a date at the restaurant we first met.
I still remember how I asked him out to that place, only to ask him to be my boyfriend.
Today we hadn't had such conversation. He had just asked me if I'd like to go on a date tonight, and I said yes.
He had picked me up, and together we went to the restaurant. He seemed really eager for something, but I didn't know what it was.

We sat at the table we always sat at when we were here. Tb and I were happily talking when he changed the subject.
"Hey Joocie? Do you remember the first time we met?"
"Of course! You changed my life from that point. For the better of course" I said, thinking of all the happy moment Tb and I had been through from the moment we met.
"Well, what about I do that again?" He asked me as he stood up from his seat.
"What do you mean?" I asked, not sure what he was getting at.

"Joocie, you made me so happy from the moment I went in here and sat down with you. And it became even better when you asked me to be your boyfriend. So, now I think it's my time to ask you something"
"Joocie, will you marry me?" Tb asked as he sat down on one knee.
"Of course I will!" I said as I tackle hugged him, but he stood very strong, and was able to keep both of us upright.
At that moment everyone in the restaurant started clapping for us.

"I love you so much Joocie" Tb said as he cupped my cheeks in his hands.
"I love you too" I said as I closed the gap between us.

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