Laff x Blaza

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Title : Monster Coffee

Laff POV

It was my first class in this new place. And unfortunately for me this class was at 7am.

"Class, please welcome our new student. He came here from Britain, so don't make fun of the way he speaks" The teacher said as he introduced me to the class.
"Hello, my name is Laff" I said, trying to sound 'normal' to them.
"Thank you Laff, you may take a seat, while I'll get ready to start the lesson"
I sat down near the back of the classroom when a student came in running.

"You're late, Blaza" The teacher told him.
"I'm sorry, I overslept"
"Just sit down and let me continue my lesson, alright?"
"Yes sir" Blaza said as he walked towards the back too.

He looked around at the places that were free, but looked over and came over to me.
"Hey, do you mind if I sit next to you? You seem new here" He asked me as he tilted his head ever so slightly.
"Yeah, sure. You can sit 'ere mate" I responded in my normal accent.
"You're not from here, are you?" Blaza asked me as he opened a can of monster energy drink.

"No, I'm Bri-ish. Say, didn't you already have a coffee in your hand when you walked in?" I asked him as he took a sip from his energy drink.
"O yeah! I did" Blaza said as he picked up his coffee cup.
He opened up his coffee, and poured his monster energy drink into it. I just looked at him with big eyes.
"Are you crazy?!" I nearly yelled at him as he was about to take a sip.

"Laff! Blaza! If you don't want to pay attention, at least be quiet enough so the rest can learn" The teacher yelled at us.
"Sorry sir" We both said at the same time.
"So your name is Laff, huh?" Blaza said as he looked at me.
"Yeah... Hey! Don't change the subject" I said in a hushed tone, as to not disturb the others.

"Why do you care? Just give me my cup back" Blaza said as I took his cup with the monster coffee away from him.
"Because I'm not allowing you to have a heart attack so early in the morning. Or anytime really" I said as I slightly lowered the cup.
"But what if you already gave me a heart attack?" He said as he got close to my face.
I was about to respond, but he quickly took the cup back, and gulped the content down his throat.

"Just know I'm not taking you to the nurses office if something bad happens because of what you just did"
"Yeah right. Like somethings going to happen" Blaza said as he rolled his eyes at me.
"And do you even know where the nurse's office is?"
"No, I don't" I admitted.

"I could show you if you wanted" Blaza said as he winked at me.
"We barely know each other for 5 minutes, and you're now already asking me out on a date?" I asked him with a smug grin.
"I mean, why not? You're a decent looking guy"
"Decent? How dare you think so low of me"

~Later that week~

"What did he do this time?" Socks asked when I told him that Blaza was in the nurse's office.
"I heard he got into a fight because someone broke his sunglasses" Nadwe said.
"I mean... He did get into a fight... But not for that reason" I told them.
"He got into a fight because someone made a mean comment against Laff" Meme chimed in.
"No way. Is that true Laff?" Nadwe and Socks asked in sync.

I took a deep breath before answering them.
"Yes, it is. I told him to ignore them, but he got mad and sort of started the fight..."
"But no one needs to know he started it" Meme said.
"So... are we going to visit him today? I have a free hour after the big break, so I could go then" Joocie finally chimed in too.
"I don't, but I'm fine with going in lunchbreak to see him" Socks said.
"So... we're going to see him during lunch?" Tbh asked.
"Yeah, sure" Was the answer of basically everyone.

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