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Your Quirk: Vector Manipulation - You can manipulate the trajectory of small objects in motion, such as throwing knives, bullets, or arrows.


"ALIEN QUEEN? No way, that's way too scary!"

Y/N stifled a chuckle at Midnight's loud reaction to Mina's hero name. Personally, she thought it was pretty fitting.

"What is she wants to be scary? Did Midnight think of that?" she muttered to herself.

Beside her, Bakugo scoffed. "Raccoon eyes? Scary?" he asked.

"Oh, shut up, Bakugan," Y/N said. Bakugo huffed in annoyance at the nickname. "She literally produces acid from her skin. That's terrifying!" Y/N quietly exclaimed. She paused for a moment, side-eying Bakugo with a mischievous grin. "Scarier than you, anyway," she added.

"OI WHAT DID YOU SAY SHI-" he began but stopped when Y/N held a finger to her lips, jerking her thumb to where Tsyu stood in front of the class.

"Shut your trap, idiot. People are presenting."

Bakugo huffed and turned to face the front of the class.

"I'm the rainy season hero, Froppy," Tsyu said.

The class let out a collective sigh of relief at someone finally choosing a normal-sounding name.

"Oh, that's actually really cute!" Y/N whispered to Bakugo.

He simply scoffed in response.

Y/N rolled her eyes at his dismissal. "Would it kill you to actually be nice to someone for once?" she asked.

Bakugo glared at her.

"Right," Y/N said. "I forgot, you're allergic to human decency," she quipped.

Kirishima took the stand, grinning. "I'm the Sturdy Hero: Red Riot!" he declared proudly.

"Like the Chivalrous Hero: Crimson Riot?" Midnight quired.

"Exactly!" Kirishima responded.

"Legacy naming. Interesting choice. Can't say it doesn't fit him, though," Y/N said, leaning over to Bakugo.

"It's not... entirely stupid," he agreed.

Y/N lurched back, grabbing their chest in feigned shock.

"Was that a compliment I just heard from you?" she exclaimed. She leaned back towards him, tilting her chair to the side and getting as close to him as she could without Midnight or any of the presenters noticing.

She looked him dead in the eyes, a mere inches away from his face. "Who are you, and what have you done with Katsuki Bakugo?" she whispered conspiratorially.

"Get away from me, dumbass," Bakugo growled, pushing the girl away.

She leaned back into her seat, still fixing him with a piercing glare.

Katsuki turned back to the front of the room, where Shoji was presenting his name.

Y/N looked down the row, noticing Jirou, giving her a quizzical look as she returned to her seat.

"He said something nice," she mouthed.

Jirou's eyes went wide with mock surprise.

"Who is he?" she mimed in response.

Y/N shrugged, acting confused. "I don't know," the girl silently replied. She paused for a moment before fixing Jirou with a Cheshire grin. "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," she mouthed.

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