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Draco Pov:

Once the vacation was over, we all went back to Mikaelson Manor and packed for Hogwarts. This year was hopefully going to be a good year, no Deatheater's. No Voldemort. No death.


Once we apparated to Kings Cross Station, we ran through the brick wall, and we were met with Platform 9 3/4. We had 10 minutes untill the train left, so we boarded it and searched for a big compartment for all 8 of us. We finally found a huge one, do we put our trunks on the racks, and we sat down.

A little while later the door slid open, and in walked Ronald Weasley. I immediately grabbed Hermione's hand and I felt her stiffen

" Weasley" I growled while glaring at him fiercely " What do you want?!" He glared at everyone in the compartment

" I just wanted to see if my sister and best mates decided to ditch the low life snakes" he sneered at me, I clenched my hands into fists and tried to remain clam

" Ronald let's go talk" Hermione said from behind me. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked out.


Hermione Pov:

" What is do bad about my boyfriend being in Slytherin!?" I said with a raised voice

" He's a snake Hermione! He's just trying to get into your pants, you know, so he can tell everyone he shagged the Brightest Which of Our Age!!" He yelled back. Before I knew what was happening, my hand came up and smacked him across the face, HARD too. With fire in my eyes, and my blood boiling

" Don't you ever, EVER talk about my boyfriend, or my friends like that again!!" I snarled at him, and seconds before I was about to walk away, he smacked me back. My hand Immediately flew up and rested on my cheek, I turned on my heels and ran out of the compartment he had pulled me into.

I got back into our compartment and Draco knew something was wrong

" Mione, what happened!?" He asked worriedly " we heard lots of yelling" I shook my head

" Nothing, I'm fine." I lied, they shrugged and started a conversation. I was about to grab a book when I heard a Blaise's voice in my head

( Bold- Blaise )
( Itilac's- Hermione )

What actually happened Mione?

How are you in my head Blaise?

Twin telepathy, all powerful twins have it

Oh! Thats awesome! Anyways Ron was accusing Draco of using me just to get into my pants to tell everyone he shagged the Brightest Which of Our Age, so I slapped him. Hard too, and then he slapped me back.

Are you fucking kidding me?!

Yeah, don't worry about it though, I'm fine

Someone needs to teach that bastard a lesson that he won't forget!

Blaise, just leave it be

I need to use the washroom, I'll be back.

His voice disappeared from inside my head as Blaise excused himself to the washroom. 10 minutes later he returned with bloody knuckles, and I knew exactly what happened

" Blaise" I sighed shaking my head " Let me heal your hand" he smirked and handed his hand to me. I mumbled a healing spell, and his knuckles went back to normal.

We chatted untill we saw the majestic castle in the distance, and we knew it was time to change into our robes. We found the carriages and sat in them, then they started pulling us to the castle.

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