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Hermione Pov: ❗️TW ❗️Mentions of Rape

I woke up in a dark and cold room. I realized that I was chained to a wall, and that I was partially naked. The only thing I had on my body, was a bra and underwear. I was so scared, I tried breaking the chains, but I was still really groggy from the vervain. I heard footsteps and mumbling in the distance, and it started to get louder and louder until I heard a door open and a light was shone in my face.

I saw that it was Rudolphus Lestrange, and my body immediately tensed

" Bella! The blood traitor is awake now!" He yelled out the door and left. Seconds later I heard a loud pop, and Bellatrix Lestrange entered the room. I started pulling at the chains, but I still couldn't break free.

She walked up to me and grabbed my chin roughly

" Filthy blood traitor! When we are done with you, you're going to wish you were dead!" She hissed, then she whipped out her wand and pointed it at me

" Cruico!" She yelled, I felt searing pain go through my body. As if my blood were on fire, but then it faded away to nothing. Bellatrix thought it was still working, but then frowned when I started laughing

" You can't kill me or hurt me, you dumb bitch" I laughed " I'm an ORIGINAL vampire - wherewolf hybrid, my parents are the second richest pure bloods in the wizarding world, I'm dating your nephew, and I have a powerful twin who probably knows that I'm missing by now. I know EVERYTHING about you as well, along with knowing you have Horcruxes!" I said in one breath. You could see the absolute rage in her eyes as she slapped me across the face. But the funny thing is, it didn't hurt one bit! I laughed again and she left the room she yelled something I couldn't quite pick up and came back into the room

" I may not be able to hurt you physically, but I can hurt you mentally" she sneered, just then, Rudolphus walked back into the room in just robes, and my eyes widened.

Bellatrix smirked " Have fun with your new toy" she said to him with a devilish smile, and left the room. Rudolphus looked at me with an evil smile

" Now, either you cooperate and this happens the easy way, or you don't, and it happens the hard way!" He walked towards me, and I was able to kick him in the groin. He yelled in agony and dropped to his knees

" You filthy blood traitor!!" He yelled " The hard way it is!" He waved his wand, and my undergarments disappeared. My eyes widened, i know what's gonna happen! but I'm only a virgin! My mind was all over the place. He looked me up and down before he pulled out a syringe, and jabbed it in my neck. The last thing I remember before slipping into unconscious was him sliding his robes off.

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