Tell Me Your Story

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Woo Bin and YuBi went to her apartment but Imna and her boyfriend was there.

Kim Woo Bin's P.O.V

"YuBi you should go inside and take a rest." I told her while patting her back.

"No I'll just change my clothes and I will go to the park to have some fresh air." She smiled at me but I know that its just a fake smile.

"Then I will just wait for you here and I will go with you." I want to be on her side until she feels OK again.

"Thank you Woo Bin. But I know that your tired the whole day, you should take a rest now."

"No buts! I'll wait you here! Now go inside and change your clothes, its cold now you should not wear a clothes like that!" I push her softly inside her apartment. Well I don't want her to change her dress because she looks so stunning in that dress but I don't want her to catch some colds.

She steps inside of her apartment and I stand beside the door. I leaned my back on the wall while waiting.

Why is her feelings were hurt? What happened? Should I ask her what is the reason why she's crying? I should really stay on her side now! I snapped when I heard the door was opened it was YuBi wearing a black hoodies and a gray pants.

"Lets go in my apartment instead on going to the park, its cold now, we can drink coffee there. I know that you dont want to stay on your apartment because her boyfriend is there."

"Really? Is it ok?" She asked.

"Yes!" I grabbed her hands and go to my apartment.

Lee YuBi P.O.V

I'm thankful that Woo Bin insisted that he want to stay with me. I feel relieved when he hugged me. I want to say everything to him about all the pain that I'm keeping inside my heart. We went to his apartment and I sat in his relaxing sofa. He handed me a coffee and get it from his hand and said thank you. He smiled at me and sat beside me.

"So uhm.. Ah... Why are you crying a while ago? He asked me shyly while looking at my eyes intently.

"Its about my parents, well its a long story. I said but I'm still hoping that he will asked me more about it.

"You can tell me your story." He said with his deep voice but you can sence a touch of sweetness.

"Finally! Maybe I should tell him this time to lessen the pain in my heart. As I came back to the reality that he was waiting for me to say something.

"It was 13 years ago, its September 3 that day when my parents need to go in their meeting. I have a little sweet sister, her name is Hajin. She was just 7 and I'm just 8 year old at that time. She want to go in the park. I cant resist her cuteness that's why we decided to go out, well actually we just escape from our maids. While we are walking to go in the park, Hajin saw a candy store in front of the park. She likes candy a lot and she want me to buy her a candy. Again my heart moved by her cuteness so I decided to buy her a candy. I held her hand while buying, but she got lose from my hands and she run to the park. Then I heard a loud collision and a lot of people were screaming for help. When I looked at it I saw my sister lying on the ground and there's a lot of blood flowing from her head." The tears started to flow again from my eyes. But I still continue.

"I don't know what to do that time. I just run to her and cried and screamed for help. Someone told me that they called an ambulance. I was so scared because a lot of blood is flowing from her head. I don't know what to do, my hands are trembling. And the ambulance came and they take my sister in the hospital. The staff called my parents and they came to the hospital. They asked me what happened. But I think that my voice escaped from my mouth and I cant say anything. My parents started to cry when the doctor said that my sister is already dead. I felt that my world torn apart. I'm about to hug my mom when she slap me on my face and started to yell at me that I'm the one who killed my sister. Started that day they keep on blaming me that Im the one who killed my sister. I got traumatized, I always dreamed about the accident, so one of my aunts take me to the doctor and he gave me a medicine that I should drink before I sleep."

"Is that the bad dream that you had yesterday?" He asked while putting down his coffee to the table.

"Yes." I wiped my tears away.

"Then why your crying about your parents?"

"They invited me to a dinner meeting, we did'nt saw each other for about 5 months, I told them that I missed them but they just ignored me and the worst my mom blamed me again and told me that I'm just an accessory for them to show that they have a family." I started to cry again but now I cant literally stop it. I felt that my breathe started to be heavy and I started to hiccuping.

"Its ok to cry YuBi, I'm just here beside you." Then I felt his warm arms again wrap around me. I'm so tired because of crying and I fall asleep on his chest and to his warm and relaxing embrace.

Kim Woo Bin P.OV

YuBi fell asleep at my chest because of crying I carried her to my bed and put my blanket on her. I cant believe that she suffered in this kind of situation. I wiped the tears on her cute and pink cheeks.

"I will be on your side no matter what." As I run my hand on her forehead.

"Good night, I hope you wont have a bad dream this night."

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