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One time I had this boyfriend, and he wanted us to 69. Mind you, I HATE 69ing. I find it very chaotic and useless. Especially because in my experience, it always sucks. On this particular day he had convinced me to 69 with him. When I tell you that this man was doing some weird shit down there, he was doing some weird fucking shit down there.

Directing him elsewhere would have been useless because he was an alpha male with a very fragile toxic masculine ego. If I had told him what he was doing was wrong he would've been so butt hurt, I wouldn't hear the end of it.

Soooo, I was going down on him, doing my thing, and I gagged. The QUEEF that came out of me oh my goodness! ALL UP IN HIS FACE! I swear that man died and came back to life. He pushed me off so fricken fast and started gagging!

I thought this was hilarious, I was laughing my ass off, I couldn't stop! He told me after he stopped gagging and telling me that I was disgusting for doing that, that he thought I had farted in his face! Ha! He said my juices flew into his mouth! Haha! I still cry with laughter every time I think about it!

I told him i didn't like it and that i didn't want to do it before hand. He should have respected my wishes! That's what he gets for being such a narcissistic prick.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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