No Where Else to Go

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Chapter 2: no where else to go

Kokichi sat up in the large bed. He had forgotten most of what had happened again. He remembered a tall buff man and hot chocolate but that was about it. He was able to move now though so that was a plus. He slowly slid off the bed and wobbled a bit before catching his balance. He looked around the room and saw a closet close the the bed. He made his way to it and opened it revealing a bunch of large shirts. They must have belonged to the man he remembered seeing earlier.

He grabbed a shirt and pulled it over himself. It was several sizes too big and had gone to a little above his knees. He felt like he would be able to exit the room now that he was somewhat clothed. He walked to the door and opened it slowly, peaking through a small crack he created in the door. He hadn't seen anyone so he decided to open it fully and walk out. It opened to a long hallway, instead of opening any of the closed doors he just decided to walk to the end of the hallway. It opened to a small kitchen connected to a living room.

The TV in the living room was left on but no one was around to be watching it. The kitchen had a smell of chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven filling it. Kokichi made his way to the oven and opened it. A wave of heat caused him to back up quickly. A sharp feeling almost stabbed his back as he fell backwards.

"Who are you?" A woman moved out from behind him and stood above him with a sharp switchblade in hand. Kokichi opened his mouth to try and convince the woman to not hurt him but not much came out yet again.

"I- I-" he stammered.

"That doesn't answer my question!" The lady squat down in front of him and held the blade to his throat.

"Maki! Don't hurt them!" Kaito had came running into the room. She immediately stood back up and pocketed the switchblade.
"Who are they?"

"I'm not sure yet but I found them knocked out in the snow when I was shoveling last night, I don't think they're any threat to us." Kaito smiled warmly and walked to help Kokichi off the ground.

"Fine, but if they end up hurting anyone... I have many weapons." The lady, presumably named Maki walked away.

Kaito looked to Kokichi and laughed awkwardly, "sorry, she can be a handful. I see you found the closet. That's one of my shirts, but I don't mind. It's a bit big on you though." Kokichi found himself having to look up to the man. The shirt he had on had a large NASA logo on it though it didn't look like a shirt just anyone could buy from a store. Maybe he worked for NASA or something to that degree.

Kokichi tried to speak again, "th- thhhannkss." The word dragged out.

"Hey! You did it! You said a word." Kaito, without thinking, lifted Kokichi up and swung him around like a little child. Kokichi lightly hit Kaito, trying to get him to put him down.

"Sorry." Kaito sure apologized a lot, "we don't have too much to do at the moment, that freak snow storm last night blocked us in. Did you remember we had a snow storm last night?"

Kokichi shook his head. "Hey Shuichi come here!" Kaito had yelled, "do you think you'd want to go to a hospital little buddy?" Kokichi didn't know why Kaito kept calling him "little buddy" he didn't remember how old he was but he certainly wasn't a kid.

Nonetheless, Kokichi shook his head vigorously, he couldn't remember if he had a reason why but he had a bad feeling fill his stomach when Kaito mentioned a hospital. The boy from before walked back into the room with a book in his hand.

"I can call the hospital right now." Shuichi pulled out his phone.

"He said no." Kaito responded.


"He said no Shu." Kaito looked back at the smaller boy standing in front of him.

"You don't want to go to a hospital?" Shuichi looked to Kokichi causing him to shake his head roughly again. Shuichi sighed and closed the book, setting it down on a table between the TV and the couch.

"I- I d-don't reeememmberrr mmmm- my nameee." Kokichi tried his best to speak actual English.

"Wooo! Look at them go!" Kaito pat Kokichi.

"I'mmm a boy." Kokichi crossed his arms, though he found it considerate that they all had been using they/them pronouns up until now. His sentences were slowly getting better as his body still took its time to heat up to a normal temperature again.

"Do you know why you were out in the storm last night in little to no clothing?" Kaito had asked. Kokichi preferred to not speak as much as he could so he shook his head as a reply.

"Do you know how old you are or where you're from?" Shuichi asked. Kokichi shook his head again in response. "Great all we know is that he uses he/him pronouns and that he has amnesia." Shuichi threw his hands in the air.

"I told you the internet said that memory loss was an effect of hypothermia!" Kaito argued.

"Yeah but I thought that would mean just the recent past not his entire life!" Shuichi face palmed before continuing his pacing from earlier.

"Well someone will have to call him in missing, maybe we should leave the news on to see if any TV announcement comes on about him." Kaito picked up the remote to the TV and changed channels to see just a newscaster taking about the weather. "Until then he can just stay here with us."

"Do you think Maki would like that?" Shuichi crossed his arms.

"He has no where else to go!" Kaito replied.

"A hospital! Somewhere with professionals! To someone who knows what to do!" Shuichi yelled. Kokichi covered his ears to stop himself from hearing all the yelling.

"Oh! I'm so sorry." Kaito hugged Kokichi tightly. "He doesn't seem to like all the yelling."

"I don't think that our problem." Shuichi sighed.

"Why are you being so rude?! You're never like this Shuichi." Kaito asked, still holding Kokichi close to him.

"You invited a stranger into our home and now he doesn't want to leave, sorry if I'm a bit on edge." Shuichi walked away from the conversation. Kokichi found himself holding his arm out as though he didn't want Shuichi to leave. Kaito ushered him to go and sit on the couch with him and the two sat there, waiting for anything to come on the TV that would give a hint to who Kokichi really was.

Hypothermia in December (Saiouma/Oumasai) Where stories live. Discover now