On the News

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Chapter 3: On the News

Kokichi had inevitably fallen back to sleep while watching the boring news with Kaito on the couch. Nothing on the news pertained to Kokichi, though Kaito had stayed awake just in case.

Kaito didn't want to wake the sleeping boy who had fallen asleep on his shoulder. So he had stayed as still and as quiet as possible while still staying awake to watch for anything note worthy on the news.


A while later, Kokichi opened his eyes yet again to see the moonlight shine through the window. He lifted his head and got off of the couch. He noticed Kaito had fallen asleep and he didn't want to wake him.

Immediately his stomach started to growl. He didn't know how long it had been since he had eaten but it had surly been long enough. He walked back to the kitchen and noticed a plate sitting out with the cookies he had noticed baking earlier. He didn't want to steal any but as he stared at the plate his stomach turned, begging him to take even just one bite. He grabbed one, assuming the three people he was staying with wouldn't mind too much.

The TV suddenly got louder as a familiar voice was heard crying. "We just want to know if he's ok. I haven't seen him in almost 24 hours and I know that's not long enough for him to be considered missing but-" Kokichi paused and ran over to the TV, effectively waking up Kaito.

"Huh?" Kaito awoke, noticing Kokichi staring intensely at the TV.

"He's never been gone this long without telling someone, I know somethings up." It was a woman that Kokichi seemed to recognize on the TV. "Kokichi if you're somehow seeing this, please at least call home. We're worried about you."

"Is that you?" Kaito asked before the newsman displayed a picture of a happy looking boy that looked exactly like Kokichi.

"Mhm." Kokichi nodded with a bit of a worried look on his face.

"Great, then we can take you in-"

"No!" Kokichi stood up.


"I- I don't wanna!" Kokichi backed up so quickly he fell.

"Kokichi!" Kaito rushed over to Kokichi who was now rubbing the back of his head while lying on the floor. "Are you alright?!" Kokichi nodded his head to signify that he was ok.

"Why don't you wanna go back?" Kaito helped Kokichi off of the ground.

"I just..." Kokichi put his hands on his stomach, "bad feeling."

"I'm sorry kiddo." Kaito pat him.

"I'm not a kid..." Kokichi pouted a bit.

"How old are you?" Kokichi shrugged in response to Kaito's question. Old enough to know he's not a kid. "Something above 18?" Kaito questioned. Kokichi nodded in agreement. "Early 20s maybe."

"Probab... ly?" Kokichi didn't exactly know but it sounded somewhat correct. Kaito was going to speak again but was cut off by a large growl coming from Kokichi's stomach, he was still hungry.

"Food! Do you want something to eat?!" Kaito rushed over to the kitchen and opened the fridge. "What do you like to eat, we have a lot." Kokichi simply shrugged and walked over to the fridge. Kokichi pointed to a drawer near the bottom of the fridge. "There's fruit in there," Kaito responded, "you want fruit?" Kokichi nodded and Kaito opened the drawer.

Kaito stepped back, a bit surprised, he could have almost any food he wanted and he picked fruit? Kaito walked over to the wall and flipped on the kitchen light. Kokichi grabbed an apple and an orange and sat down at the table. "Here let me help." Kaito grabbed the orange and started to cut it up.

"Thanks." Kokichi said as he took a bite of the apple.

"What are you two doing up so late?" Shuichi yawned and rubbed his eyes to adjust to the light.

"We found out his name! It's Kokichi." Kaito smiled as he continued to cut the orange.

"Great, now you're getting attached to him." Shuichi pulled out a seat from the table and sat near Kokichi. Kokichi looked to Shuichi and scanned him up and down. Shuichi was pretty, not buff like Kaito but also not as skinny as Kokichi himself. Shuichi looked as though he did work out and he had decently long navy blue hair and one piece at the top that stuck up above the rest.

Kokichi found himself starring in the boys direction. He watched his lips move as he spoke to Kaito, the way his hair piece bobbed up and down as his head moved. Shuichi turned to see Kokichi starring at him and both of their faces turned a bright red.

"Well I don't think Maki would want Kokichi sleeping in our bed, how about he sleeps with you Shuichi." Kaito said, placing the freshly cut orange pieces in front of Kokichi.

"Me? W- why me?" Shuichi stuttered a bit, it was clear he was flustered.

"Or you could sleep on the couch, I think it would be rude to let the guest sleep on anything other than a bed." Kaito sat down across from Shuichi.

"He's not a guest he's- fine." Shuichi sighed in defeat. He knew he would never win against the persistent Kaito.


After Kokichi finished eating Shuichi took him to his room. "Here take these." Shuichi threw a pair of boxers and shorts to Kokichi. "I'm not sleeping in the same bed as you if you don't at least have underwear on."

Shuichi walked past him and slipped back into his bed. Kokichi waited for Shuichi to turn away from him and he slipped on the clothes Shuichi had given him. They were a bit bigger but not as big as Kaito's would have been. He was glad Shuichi was at least somewhat close to his size.

Kokichi slipped into bed next to Shuichi and kept a decent distance between them both. He didn't want to intrude more than he already had. Though he had to admit, the bed was much more comfortable than a couch or floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2021 ⏰

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