🦸‍♀️👩‍💼- The One Pt 1

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AN: Just a heads up that all the ages are different

Kara is 15y/o (Sophomore)

Lena is 15 y/o (Sophomore)

Alex is 16 y/o (Junior)

Sam is 15 y/o (Sophomore)

Kara's POV

"Kara if you don't get your ass out in the next 10 minutes, I will not hesitate to leave your ass" yells Alex

"Alex! Language jeez. Can you give me a minute I'm trying to find my letterman jacket" I yell back at her.

Man all this rushing is not helping me find this damn jacket. As you can see I'm not the most organized person in the world but hey I manage to try..key word... TRY... to keep my room clean.

The first day of sophomore year has never came by so fast. All summer year long I spent time playing ball with Alex to level up my game and to finally beat those Grandefalls Greyhound. They have been the 5x State Champions for the last 5 years.

Oh Rao would I give so much just to see the look on their faces when they finally lose! They've been known to sabotaging teams and being physically ruthless on the court. Never failing to injure someone or bully someone to make sure they come out on top.

All the blood, sweat and tears I've given in the summer has made me crave so badly to defeat those cheaters.

Enough of that though, I finally find my jacket in the laundry basket. Then head on out to get into Alex's car, after locking the front door.

"Finally! I thought you'd never get here" as Alex pulls out the driveway

"Sorry, I just really wanted to wear my jacket, its my lucky jacket and I wanted to start the year off right"

"Sure it's lucky...Are you sure it isn't to entertain the cheerleaders that constantly look at you like your a living god" Alex says with suggestive and playful tone.

"No of course not! I'm just sigh waiting for the right one to come" I say as I look at the window

As you can tell I'm not very experienced in dating. It's just whenever I seem to like someone they're either straight or with somebody.

It then tends to get tiring having to have your feelings played, so I just focus on school and basketball, those are the only thing that allows me to get my mind of my non existent dating life. Plus, though I'm pretty known in school I'm a big introvert and I'm really shy when it comes to asking someone out.

Alex on the other hand has been dating Samantha Arias, or Sam is what we call her, for the last 7 months. Must I say Alex is truly whipped for that girl. Sam for sure has Alex wrapped around her finger, regardless even if Alex denies it. I called it too that they'd end up together.

You don't understand how long it took Alex it to ask her out, phew.

"I know Kara, but you should try to socialize and don't be afraid to put yourself out there. You never know who you'll come across. Maybe you'll find  the one for you in the end" Alex softly says

"Yeah I get it Alex, your right, thanks for advice though" I say gratefully, appreciating the fact that my older sister cares about my happiness.

Maybe today's the year where I get lucky, I say to myself.


Lena's POV

After getting into the front door I notice the empty hallway. Oh shit classes must've already started, dammnit I must be really late I mentally scold myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2021 ⏰

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