I have a crush on ted (aka the man in the yellow hat)

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Remus was having a bad morning, to begin with, so it really should've come as no surprise when the morning only became worse as soon as he arrived at the museum at eight.

"Remus!" Mr. Dumbledore, his beloved boss, greeted with much jest as soon as the tawny-haired fellow walked into his office, fumbling with his tie.

The twenty-four-year-old looked up immediately with wide eyes and greeted the man, "Good morning! Sorry, I'm late!"

Albus Dumbledore grinned and waved him off heartily, "Oh, no worries dear boy. We've got all day to just sit and lounge."

Remus frowned at this- finally getting his tie to sit as he wanted it to- and looked properly at the man sitting behind his desk with his glistening white beard, "What do you mean? I thought the boarding school down the street was scheduled to take a trip down here for the caveman exhibit." He reached into his pants pocket and pulled out his crumpled, messy deck of index cards which he had hastily jotted down notes on that morning. They had small, brown splotches from where he had spilled a few drops of his coffee on them as he went over them in his favorite coffee shop. He muttered a few words under his breath as he resorted them and then held them up to show the elder. "Look. I even made the cards this time!"

Albus Dumbledore sighed heavily at this, "They canceled. It seems that the kids were a lot more interested in visiting the park today and having a picnic than sitting in on another one of your lectures."

"But they adore my lectures," Remus frowned.

Mr. Dumbledore's lips twitched into a smile because, to be quite honest, the kids hated Remus' lectures. What they adored was watching their poor teacher- Miss Lily Evans- fawn over an oblivious Remus. They thought Remus himself was alright enough and would do him the favor of mostly remaining quiet during his lectures, but the lot would grow absolutely enthralled only when their teacher would talk to the man. There was a running bet going around through the class on how long it would take Remus to notice Miss Evans' fondness for him and if they would get together or not after he realized. At the center of the bet were the mischievous set of twins in Lily's class, Fred and George Weasley. Lily didn't know about the bet, but Mr. Dumbledore did. Heck, he even made his own bet.

"Apparently the kids are on a kick for adventure in the outdoors," Mr. Dumbledore replied. "They've been begging Miss Evans to let them outside all day long. She said it was because of a movie they watched a few weeks ago."

Remus pouted at the sound of this and made his way closer to the desk. He sat himself in the seat across from Mr. Dumbledore and slouched instantly. He stared at the man and worried his lower lip between his teeth, "What're we going to do? The kids are usually the only action we get here."

Albus watched the young man and slowly removed his half-moon spectacles from his face. He set them down lightly on his desk over a stack of paperwork and gave Remus a sad smile, "I'm afraid that after our budget cut from last time, we're going to have to shut down the museum."

"I'm sorry, what?" Remus sat up straight in alarm. "Shut down the museum? You can't do that! It's the Godric's Hollow museum for goodness' sakes! This place is historic! This place is—"

"Broke, Lupin."

"Ah, Severus," Mr. Dumbledore nodded at the appearance of his nephew, "please do come in. I believe you brought the papers with you?"

Severus Snape tried not to sneer at the professor that worked in the museum- that professor being Remus- and instead walked over briskly to his uncle. He handed the folder he had brought with him from the bank to the elder, "All you need to do is sign and initial these. We should be good to go after that."

"You can't be serious," Remus exclaimed as he watched his boss take the folder from Severus. He looked up in disbelief at the man his age. "Severus, we can't just get rid of the museum. What on earth are we going to do then?"

"Well, I have been thinking about it," he drawled at the man. "I was looking into what's good in the market right now, and I've come up with a plan. We're going to knock this place down and build a parking lot garage."

"A parking lot garage?" Remus swore his eye twitched in annoyance. "That is absolutely absurd! There's no way you can just knock down a museum and build a parking garage!"

Severus rolled his eyes and snapped, "It's possible, and we're doing it." He looked back at his uncle. "I can help show you where you need to sign, Uncle Albus, if you'd like. Afterward, I can show you the models that have been prepared for the lot."

"That would be lovely, Severus," Albus Dumbledore smiled at his nephew. He opened the folder and licked his dry lips as he read over the first page.

Remus sputtered in his seat as he took in what the man said, "You can't- you're not- are you seriously just throwing this place away for a lot?"

Mr. Dumbledore pressed his lips together into a firm line as he addressed his favorite employee, "I'm sorry, Remus, but there's nothing else for us to do. We simply don't have the budget to continue running the museum."

Remus furrowed his brows and then leaned forward eagerly, "Well what if we threw a fundraiser for the museum? We could make it some big event and get the whole town in on it! It could bring in money to support the museum as well as possible customers!"

"That... could work," Albus said as he leaned back in his seat and stroked his beard. His eyes twinkled as he stared at Remus. "What do you recommend we do?"

Remus flushed as he realized he had spoken too soon. He had no clue what kind of fundraiser they could throw to bring enough money in and some attention to the museum.

Severus picked up on this moment of hesitance and smirked as he propped his hip to lean against the edge of his uncle's desk, "Yes, Lupin. What do you recommend we do?"

Remus scowled at the teasing man and then sat in deep thought. It was only a few seconds later that he brightened and sprang up, "The old discovery sight! It's up in the mountains, and it's still up and functioning. I know it's meant for searching for more possible fossils and the fact that the town is funding it is the only reason we didn't cut it off the budget, but we've got some cabins and things up there. We could do a camping trip!"

"A camping trip?" Severus deadpanned. "What kind of ridiculous—"

"Remus, you're a genius!" Mr. Dumbledore broke in, a huge grin already stretching across his lips. "This is the best way to get the kids back and involved with the museum. If we get the kids involved, we could probably get their parents too! And while we do the camp, it'll give us some time to see if we can make any new discoveries and create a new exhibit at the museum as well!" He stood up and stumbled over to pat Remus on the shoulder. "My boy, you've done it again!"

Remus blushed heavily at the pride in Mr. Dumbledore's voice and shook his head, "Oh sir, I'm only trying to keep us running! If you think it's a good idea, I can start working out the plans and make sure you're schedule is cleared to lead the camp—"

"Oh, no, that won't be," Albus cut the young man off. He smiled kindly at Remus' confused expression. "I can't possibly lead the camp at my old age. I'm not sure if I would even be able to survive sleeping on another bed other than my own! We'll have to have someone else do it. Someone trustworthy."

Severus huffed and crossed his arms over his chest, "Well, certainly I will be doing no such thing as staying in the outdoors with a bunch of kids."

"I wasn't even going to ask that of you, Severus," Mr. Dumbledore rolled his eyes at his nephew. "You're terrible with kids. They'd eat you alive if we had you in charge." Severus made a face behind his uncle's back.

Remus frowned then and looked up at his boss, "Then who?"

Albus Dumbledore beamed as he looked down at the employee. Remus gulped nervously at the glee in his boss' blue eyes, "You."

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