maybe i should just make a textfic

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Alright, camp starts August 1st and ends August 7th. Permission slips are available now. I dropped them off earlier in the school office.

You work so fast honestly

I can't wait to see all the kids and have fun with them

James ur such a fucking dad


The mans is gorgeous pls do remember that Pete

omg stop it I'm blushing!!

ew could you guys like not???

right in front of my fucking salad

i don't understand you two. like ur literally disgusting sometimes?


i'm literally bi?

As you should

hi lily!!

hi bi, i'm gay

i actually hate you


Hi James! How are you?

i'm good!! just on my break currently

Damn maybe i'll head down right now before you clock back in

Who's working right now?

sirius and marlene

Peter, where are you at?

i'm out on a meeting for my bakery

i think opening day is gonna get pushed back even more 😭

aw petie no :(

Aw I'm sorry to hear that Peter!

it's okay :,)

It'll work out, Peter! Just watch and see

thanks remus ❤️

sorry i had to go learn how to make a drink

what'd i miss?

pete's bakery opening day might get moved back

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