i keep having to rename this chapter and thats annoying

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Remus Lupin felt dread seep deep into his bones the second his feet hit the ground of the discovery site. He definitely was not meant for the outdoors. Perhaps it was the loud sounds of screaming children infiltrating his ears or the dust from the cloud of dirt that sent him into a coughing fit that gave him his first hint of this.

"Are you alright?" Peter asked as he appeared magically at Remus' side.

Remus waved him off and swallowed harshly before smiling at the blonde, "I- I'm fine! Sorry, just got a bit choked up there. Um, hi Peter! Thanks for helping out."

Peter grinned and stretched his arms over his head, "Eh, it's more of a vacation for me than anything. Too bad I'll still be stuck with the two idiots, but I'm happy to be off of work either way."

"Oh Petie, you love that we're here," James teased as he popped out of seemingly nowhere and wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

Peter rolled his eyes and then shoved his friend off playfully, "Oh go away and bug your platonic soulmate and whatnot."

"You wound me," James dramatically placed a hand over his heart.

A mass of black curls attacked James then, "Don't worry, Prongs! I'll always be here for you!" The black locks slid away from the angled face and displayed the aristocratic features that Remus tied to one Sirius Black. The professor felt himself tense a little as he smiled awkwardly at the newcomer. Sirius beamed then. "Hot chocolate!"

"Are you forever going to call me by my order?" Remus cringed slightly in embarrassment.

Sirius smirked teasingly, "No if I were to do that, I'd have to say 'Hot chocolate with three extra pumps of dark chocolate, one extra pump of vanilla and marshmallows on top but no whip cream." Remus' cheeks went crimson as he recited his order. Sirius smiled more lightheartedly. "It's a bit of a mouthful."

"I never realized since I hardly say it anymore," Remus rubbed his neck, once again focusing a bit too much attention on the scarred section of it.

"I say it's not long enough!" Sirius reassured. "Maybe you should try adding a pump of white chocolate—"

"Maybe you should shut up," Peter cut the man off. "You've been at the shop for three weeks. Three. You're not allowed to improvise yet."

Sirius pouted and gave Peter the puppy-dog eyes he mastered at the age of five, "Why are you being so mean to me today?"

"Tough love," James answered. "He's making you stronger with that tough love."

"No, you're actually just a pain in my ass," Peter huffed.

"Already starting on the language I see," a bright tone commented. Remus turned to see the burning red head of hair that belonged to the lovely Lily Evans approaching them. The teacher smiled kindly and waved at the group of four. "Hi, there! I've only really got a clue as to who Remus is, but I'm pretty sure the blonde is Peter. I can't imagine James or Sirius being so sassy from the get-go."

"For your information, I can be quite sassy," Sirius argued as he tucked a lock of hair behind his ear. He grinned at Lily and tilted his head to the side, momentarily resembling a curious dog. "Can you guess who I am?"

Lily raised a brow and then looked at James, who only smiled sheepishly and said, "Hi, Lily."

Lily turned back to Sirius and pointed at him, "You're Sirius." She then turned her finger on James. "That's James." Peter snorted as Lily smiled gently at the bespectacled man. "Hi, James."

"You just had to say hi," Sirius whinged and elbowed his best friend's arm. "If you hadn't said anything, we could've tricked her. Imagine pretending to be me for the whole week!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2021 ⏰

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