Chapter Three

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Alex Russo liked to believe that she had been a good person... or at least, as good as she could be. She had gained a new sense of responsibility and determination to be a better version of herself ever since Ava came into her life. Six months had passed since she had befriended the kid, and she hadn't gotten in trouble at all. Her grades were higher than ever, and a few of her teachers had handed her college brochures. Right, like she was going to tell her family that.

So for the first time in her life, Alex was confused as to why she was being grounded. She didn't voice this to her parents, though, knowing that her opinion wouldn't matter. Her objections would only get her into deeper trouble. Seriously, all she had done was let Harper take Ava shopping. Her best friend loved the kid, and vice-versa. She was glad they were getting along, and it gave time for Alex to finish her homework faster. So, Alex was just sitting on her bed criss-cross applesauce, looking over her paper once more before being satisfied and placing it in her binder in her backpack. Grounded for a whole week JUST for letting Ava spend a little bit of time with Harper. Alex trusted her best friend and just knew that nothing bad would happen while the redhead was around. And if Harper didn't live with her, the wizard knew that her punishment would be not able to spend any time with her. Which would seriously suck.

"Aw, I'm sorry Alex." The redhead apologized, sitting on the edge of the brunette's bed, "If I knew it would cause that big of a problem, I wouldn't have taken her." She frowned at the child sitting in Alex's lap, feeling a tad guilty.

"Eh, it's no big deal, Harp." Alex brushed it off, and leaned her head atop the child's, "Nothing I'm not used to." She paused and turned her head to the side, "What did you two need to go to the mall for, anyway?"

"Uh... nothin'."

God, Harper was a terrible liar.

"Should I be concerned?" Alex asked instead because if there was some kind of emergency she needed to know.


"Okay." The brunette nodded slowly, "I obviously don't know what's going on right now, so all I can say is don't overdo it."

"Why would you say that?"

"Because it's you, Harper." She said bluntly, "You always tend to go over-the-top on everything. Don't stress yourself out too much."

Harper paused and thought about this. Alex's birthday was coming up, and she wanted to make it special. Still, for a party her best friend had no idea what was happening, she did make a good point, "Alright." The redhead nodded, "Thanks, Alex."

"Whatever." She shrugged, planting a kiss on top of Ava's head, "Come on, sweet girl." She exhaled slowly, "We better get you home." Lifting the already-whining child up, she cast a motherly glare at the kid, who shut up instantly.

"Good girl." Alex smirked and grabbed her wand out of her boot, flashing the two out of her room and in front of Colleen's house. The brunette knocked on the door, which opened after the third knock. The woman leaned against the doorframe and groaned, "Ugh, you're back?"

"Nice to see you too, Mrs. Collins."

"Shut up." She snapped her fingers at the child, "And you, get inside! Now!"

The little girl nodded and leaned up, pecking Alex on the cheek and snuggling into her chest. She loved her Godmother's hugs. They were always so warm and loving, "Bye-bye, Godmother!" The little girl waved goodbye and reluctantly let go of the embrace, leaving a shocked Alex Russo behind, "Love you!"

"Love you too..."

Alex was about to turn around and leave when a beefy hand grabbed her elbow and tugged her back, "I've thought about it." Colleen announced, "Your offer."


"Yes." She nodded, "I'll put up the money, but you have to do everything else."

"Of course, of course!" Alex nodded, a smile on her face, "When?"

"Soon." She responded, "I just need to get everything sorted out. I'll inform you as soon as everything is taken care of."

"Sounds good." Alex agreed, "Thank you so much for doing this, Mrs. Collins! Avvie will be so excited!"

"You really love the kid, huh?" Colleen paused and took another puff of her cigarette, "Looks like I've got even more paperwork to fill out..." She huffed, going inside and slamming the door in front of a confused Alex's face.

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