Chapter Two

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Ava had never felt more loved in her entire life. She had woken up late in the afternoon, as her Fairy Godmother had let her sleep in. She grew scared for a bit when she noticed her unfamiliar surroundings, but when it all came back to her she couldn't help but smile. Her eyes settled on a small pile of clothes sitting on the nightstand, which Alex had laid out for her. Once again, the child smiled and went to change her clothes.

Meanwhile, Alex was sitting on a stool by the island reading a magazine while tearing off bits of a waffle and popping them into her mouth. She heard clanging coming from the spiral staircase and glanced over to see Ava walking into the living room wearing a cute little dress and sneakers. "Morning, kid." The brunette greeted, "Want some breakfast? We have waffles."

The child nodded and ran over to Alex, who helped her onto the stool and gave her a knife and fork, "Alright, as soon as you're done eating, I have to take you home. If I keep you here any longer, I might be accused of kidnapping."

"Aw, do I have to go home?"

"Yes, you do." Alex answered, "Now eat your food, kid."

Ava sighed and ate her food slowly, which didn't go unnoticed by Alex. She made sure that the little girl wiped her face and washed her hands before they left together. In fact, Alex was acting more like a mom than Ava's actual mother did. Hell, she even packed snacks in the girl's backpack, "Wait..." She paused, "Do you know your address?"

"No..." She answered.

Alex sighed and rubbed her temple, "Ugh, why didn't I think this through?" Hey eyes lit up when she saw Justin enter the room and she ran to his side, "Justin!"

"Oh, uh... hey?"

"Look, I was just wondering, is there any way to access your wand's last transport locations? Like, if you forgot an address..."

"Why? Looking to rob a house?"

"No, I'm taking the kid home."

Justin sighed and held his hand out and she smiled and gave him her wand. Alex watched him pull up her wand's holographic menu and scroll through it until he found what he was looking for. He clicked on it and handed it to Alex, who smiled gratefully and patted his shoulder. "Alright, then." She sighed, "C'mon Avvie, let's head out."

"Avvie?" Justin mimicked, earning a sinister glare from his sister. She wrote down the address quickly and ruffled the girl's hair, "Come on kid, let's get you home."

"No!" She shouted, "I don't like it there, I like it here with you!"

"Hey, I like hanging out with you too, kid but won't your parents get worried about you if you're gone too long? I mean, it's already been a day."

"No." Ava repeated, "They don't even notice I'm there."

"I... I don't know, I mean... Justin?"

"What are you looking at me for? She's not my kid."

"And she's not mine either!" Alex sighed and bent down to Ava's level, "Look, I like you. You're a good kid. But I just can't do this, and I know my parents wouldn't let me. Just grab your things, okay? I put some snacks and stuff in there in case you get hungry."

"But what if... what if I wished that I could stay here?"

"No." Alex said, shaking her head, "That would involve charming my parents, which I will not allow."

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