Chapter One

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The first time Alex Russo had been summoned it had been by Harper Finkle. She had been her Fairy Godmother, which made sense since they were trapped in the fictional world of Cinderella. But then it happened again, this time in the real world. She was only walking with her best friend Harper to their next class when she began to feel strange. Her body had started to glow with magic like it always did when she was about to flash out. She gave her best friend a look of pure horror before she disappeared into a flash of bright light.

Alex soon found herself in a small bedroom in a place she didn't recognize. A little girl with bright red hair was staring up at her in utter shock. The brunette tried to form the right words, as she didn't want to be disqualified from her family's Wizard Competition for a second time. I could erase her mind, but I don't remember the spell!

"Look, kid--"

"Fairy Godmother!" The child exclaimed while bouncing on the balls of her feet, "Oh my gosh! I have a Fairy Godmother!"

"Say what now?"

"I was wishing for one, but I didn't think you'd actually come! Magic exists, this is the best day ever!" She shouted, and Alex quickly covered her mouth. The brunette glared at the child, "Shut it, kid. You can't just go around shouting things like that or you could get me into a lot of trouble!" She explained, "Now, I am about to take my hand off your mouth and you are not going to squeal or yell. Do you understand me?"

The kid nodded, and she slowly removed her hand from the child's mouth. She was still bouncing and had that stupid smile on her face, but at least she had kept her promise... so far. "Now, kid, care to tell me what's going on?"

"You're my Fairy Godmother, shouldn't you know?"

"What do you take me for, a mind reader? 'Cause I'm not. Do you know what I'm also not? A Fairy Godmother."

"... Wha?" The little girl pouted, "But you came right when I called you! I saw you magic yourself in here!"

"While that part is true, it doesn't mean I'm your Fairy Godmother."

"But I wished you here!" She shouted, tears coming to her face, "You have to be her, you just have to!"

"A wish?" Alex sat down on the bed and crossed her arms. She knew better than anyone exactly how powerful wishes could be. A frown on her face, she removed her wand from her boot and began to call someone. She held it to her ear, relieved when she heard someone answer, "Ah! Yes, hello. This is Alex Russo, and I have a bit of an issue over here that I need clearing up. Some kid keeps saying I'm her Fairy Godmother, but that can't be true." She paused, "Please tell me that can't be true." After a long pause, she threw her wand onto the ground, causing small sparks to come out of the gemstone tip.

She rubbed her temples and took a deep breath to calm herself down. She turned her head to the side and stared the redhead dead in the eyes, "Well then, kid. Today may be your lucky day, but it's certainly not mine. I guess I am your Fairy Godmother."

"Yeah, whoop-di-do. Now, tell me your name."

"I'm Ava!" She introduced, holding out her hand for a shake. Alex shook it lazily, and stared at the child, "So what am I here for? What do you need from me?"

"Well, um..." Ava shuffled her feet, "I was actually hoping to have... a friend?"

"A friend? You don't have any of your own?"

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