The forever thingy

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Danielle knew, nothing would be forever, just like everything. Everything will come to an end and nothing will last forever.
Forever is a huge word for Danielle. She never wanted a marriage because of the „we'll love us till death" promise. She knew, she could never keep this promise and the other person would be heartbroken. Just like Stefania.

It was a beautiful Saturday morning, when Danielle and Stefania went on a walk with their little dog Jeff. Everything was fine, for both. They talked about their jobs and wishes for the future, till the point, where Stefania began to talk about a marriage. She didn't know that this was a difficult theme to talk about for Danielle. Stefania slowly started to get into the topic and began to plan a future wedding, because maybe they would marry, sometime. But this „sometime" never existed for Danielle. It was a „sometime" for Stefania, not for Danielle.
She started to blame herself for not wanting what Stefania hoped for in the future. She began to think she's different and she would destroy Stefanias life, if she doesn't have the same opinion about marriage like Stef. But it is what it is and she realised that she had to talk to Stefania.

„Stefania? We have to talk."
„Bambina, what's the problem?"
„Actually, it's just a problem by myself. I I I don't know how to talk about that.", Danielle sobbed.
„I'm not what you're wishing for. I'm not the right women for you in the future. I'm just not the one for you."
Stefania answered: „My little cutie, you can talk with me about everything. Literally everything."

But Danielle was too scared. She ran away, like every time. She ran to her favourite place - the harbour. And then she realised the forever thingy wasn't right for her. Maybe she found the woman of her dreams, maybe she found the person she want to spend the rest of her life with, but she didn't want the legal bond, the marriage. It got even more clear for Danielle when she noticed that she left Stefania, again. Okay maybe not again, but it will happen again.

This wasn't forever and nothing will ever be forever. And it wasn't the Destiny Danielle hoped for.

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