Old pictures.

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While The Boys were playing Minecraft I found myself looking through the families old pictures, I knew I probably shouldn't do that but I really wondered how Wilbur looked like as a kid.  I Found It! Wilbur and Techno playing In the sand and a tall figure behind them..

I froze, I recognised that "tall figure"..It was Dream. I gently took the picture out of the album and started to look closely while my eyes got watery.

"I forgot what he sounds like.." I quietly whispered to myself while whipping my tears away

"GEORGE! TOMMY CHEATED" Tubbo ran into the room leaving me shocked.

"GEORGE DONT BELIEVE TUBB-" Tommy ran behind Tubbo but suddenly stopped "Why are you crying?" 

Oh shoot, I thought to myself. "I laughed to hard Tommy, Look how funny your father looked as a kid" 

"Dad as a kid!?" Tommy took that answer and went to look at the picture, Tubbo right behind him.


"Yes Tubbo? What do you need" I Looked up at the boy to see him pointing at Dream

"Who's that?" Tubbo gave me a confused look

"Oh, Well...That's Tommys grandfather." I started to feel the familiar pain in my chest when I looked at Dream up closely.

"Yea Tubbo! Grandpa Is so cool, he's cooler than you!!" Tommy started to tease Tubbo

"No way that's true! How can a Old Fart be cooler than me!??!" Tubbo tried to save himself from the blonde boy

I chuckled, I never heard someone call Dream an Old fart, It was a shame I didn't think of that nickname before, Dream would of LOVED It. 
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It was around 4 pm and Wilbur and Sally weren't back yet so I decided to heat up the dinner Sally left for me and the kids.

"Tubbo, Tommy! Dinner Is ready." I Yelled while getting the food on the plate. 

"Just 5 more minutes!! Were fighting the ender dragon!!!" Tommy shouted 

I sighed. Fine I'll let them finish the game. 
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Tommy and Tubbo ran into the living room and sat on the chairs ready to eat.

"George whats for dinner today!?" Tommy looked at the plate I was holding

" Uhh...Eggs and broccoli" I answered quite disgusted because I didn't like broccoli. 

 "Oh, Ok!" Tommy responded. 

I handed Tubbo and tommys plates to them and sat down on the chair myself.

Tubbo's parents came to pick him up so we said goodbye.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Shortly after that I heard a door knob turn and keys opening the door. 

"DAD!!!!" As expected Tommy ran to the door and proceeded to "Open" It 

I saw Wilbur's and Sallys face reveal after the door was opened. I stood up to greet them.

"Did You have fun?" I asked while Wilbur thanked me for taking care of tommy.

"We did! I'm so sorry We came so late" Wilbur looked at his watch /8pm/ 

"It's not a big deal, I had fun with the kids. But yea It is quite late so I'll get going." I started to put my shoes on. 

"Awh..George Is leaving???" Tommy hugged me from behind and I began to laugh. 

"Yes Tommy, as For you. Youre going to take a bath and go to sleep." Sally told Tommy while pointing to the bathroom.

"Once again Thank you, Stay safe George" Wilbur said goodbye and closed the door.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I came back home to find a dark, lonely place. I didn't have the energy to finish the work so I just changed into my pjs and went to sleep. 

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