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_uhhh sorry for not updating in a long while ;^;


So there are lots of peps getting bullied or just being called ridiculous names,just because we wear tails or collars but it's ok. :D they just hatters cuz we were born in the wrong body and that soul is of an animals. Then we create these packs were we accept all those alike us. Some might call us 'insane teens' but some therians aren't even in their teen years anymore!!
(This chap is gonna be everywhere!! So hang with me)
I was actually called dog by this one girl at school then she went to 'do you also have a leash?' You know what I did I ignored her. ( I also wore ears and she shouted 'take those off!' And man did I want to punch her in that ugly face of hers D:<)All you who are being bullied and shit,don't let them walk all over you! I once herd from a man that this is your life and you get to be what ever you want! You don't need peoples opinion.
Just because we're different doesn't mean we don't have feelings!
So if your getting bullied,stand your ground and block out all them haters! They just do what they do to get attention or are also dealing with some stuff.
I have never lost someone because of suicide and I hope I never will....
And if you're thinking of committing suicide don't!!
Think about your future,how will those people who love you feel? Is there love not enough?? Just because of some person saying some shit about you, you want to curl up in a little ball and die off. Saying the world will be better without you.
Well it won't, it will make it worse....
Think two times, you might make a change in the world.
My heart breaks when I hear that someone couldn't take it and killed themselves.
So please don't think about suicide and think about the future and maybe you will have a nice family and a happy life and that jackass who yelled 'your worthless!' Will be doing drugs and broke as hell, will be caught with those drugs and be sent to prison. Like those white girls with Starbucks, uggs, an iPhone and driving that really expensive car that her daddy bought her. ( I hope they are some girls like this who are nice, which is rare)Who embarrassed you and yelled at you 'whore!' Will also be working at a really shitty job and will not be able to pay for her messy apartment and also earns money by being a hooker.
Let's all hold hands and prove those jackasses wrong!! Are you with me or not? Will you put down that small bloody plaid and stand up for who you are?


Sorry for not uploading for a long ass while so sorry about that....
Also did you like my chap? I decided to write about this topic because on how many therians have bullies so yup hope you enjoyed:)

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