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Im gonba talk about packs today :3

I shall try my best on this one because the pack i was in didn't go so well :/

Anywho! Packs are pretty hard to find because they can be in the other side of the country. But if you are lucky enough and find one close to you then ask if you could join! I live in Texas but in a little town; well it's not so little anymore XD. But  I can't really find any therians who live near Odessa. I mean sure there therians in Texas but i just cant find therians near me.

(So please if you live near me or somewhere near me. Message me please!!)

Like i said i was once in a pack which it's name shall not be spoken. Well it fell apart because our alpha said we were too quiet which was true, i also felt very awkward in that pack but it was fun while it lasted.

Then I made my own pack with only three people! Yay! But then the end of the school year came. Losing one of my pack mates.

It's ok though. I mean its not like I'm not surrounded by people I care about. Even if there non-therians.

(Sorry I haven't updated in a while so sorry ;-; plz forgive me *tamaki corner*)

see you next time  ~

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