Chapter Two

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The sound of a clock ticking across the room didn't help George's anxiety as he wracked his brain for the quadratic formula equation. He'd memorized the equation before the test, but had forgotten it halfway through the quiz and was foolish enough to not write it on his paper somewhere.

He glanced over at his tutor, who was busy organizing a stack of papers. He couldn't ask her because it was forbidden for her to give answers or hints during a test. George began retracing his steps on the previous problems when it hit him. He quickly noted the equation off the side, hoping the rest of the test would go smoothly.


After checking over each problem once more, he handed it in to be graded. As each moment ticked by, his anxiety spiked with every mark his tutor made on the paper.

Eventually, his paper was returned. He flipped it over and winced at the scattered red marks. Shamefully, he set the paper aside and turned to face his tutor.

"Hey, it's nothing to get upset over. You did fine, we just need to work on it a little more, okay?" She smiled, her kind eyes allowing George to relax a little.

She began packing her things. "We'll do a little more on it tomorrow, but you deserve a break for today."

George stood from his chair. "Alright, thank you miss."

After she left, he swung by the kitchen to grab something to eat. He reached for an apple, pausing when he heard a soft, "Mrrow?"

His lips curled into an involuntary smile as Catt sat up from the corner of the counter. They strutted over to where he stood and began rubbing their head against his hand.

"Is someone hungry?" George chuckled, dumping a small cup of food into Catt's bowl. Catt jumped off of the counter, meowing gratefully as they began to eat.

He scratched behind their ears, then wandered into the living room and found Ari watching tv. The moment Ari spotted him, they sat up. "Hey, George! Are you done with lessons for today?"

He nodded.

Ari noticed that something was off. "The test didn't go well, I'm guessing?"

He shook his head wordlessly, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip.

"Well, would walking uptown help you feel any better?"

George perked his head up, and he nodded vigorously.

"Awesome. I need you to run by the bakery and pick up my order. It's under Ari Ray and should be a regular chocolate cake." They handed him some money.

"Let me grab my glasses and I'll be back soon!" He shouted, already halfway up the stairs.

After sliding on his clout goggles, he slid the money into his pocket and raced back downstairs. "I'll text you when I get there and back!" With a wave. he was out the door.

As he passed the neighbor's house, he heard the small click of a gate behind him. He quickly spun around to meet Sapnap, who was stomping out a cigarette.

"Hey, George, wasn't it? I don't see you outside often, where are you going?"

George tried his best to hide the annoyance rising in his chest again. "I'm picking up something at the bakery for a-" He paused, debating what to call Ari. "-for a friend."

Sapnap's eyes lit up. "I haven't been there in a while, mind if I tag along?"

He knew he couldn't have anyone with him unless it was Ari or his tutor. Using this to his advantage, he pulled a guilty face and shook his head. "I'm afraid I can't have anyone with me, sorry."

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