Part 4

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Max was now kissing my passionately all over my body. I was hot and very H word now. I couldn't stop squirming around. With each kiss he let out a soft groan. I didn't get a good look at his dick, but I couldn't back out now even if it was small. 

I leaned my head back and let out a loud moan as he kissed gently at my neck, which was now a very obvious sweet spot for him. This was getting frustrating. I loved foreplay as much as the next whore, but I wanted something to happen. I am not a dominant person in the slightest, and I had no courage to take the lead. 

I whimpered a bit letting him know I wanted more. I circled my hips around, grinding them against his. He leaned down once more to kiss me. I felt great. Being intimate with someone for the first time in a year was refreshing. And this guy cared for me, I think. 

He sat up and dove into his pants pocket, most likely fiddling around for a condom. I sat up on my elbows and watched him struggle. I snickered a little and he did too. I squealed in anticipation as he finally pulled one out of his wallet. This was perfect.


Before I could even feel what his dick felt like, I was waking up on my couch in the den area of my penthouse. I sat up and rubbed my head. Then I remembered last night.

I was standing outside my door and told Max I didn't want to be alone. He said okay, and came inside with me. He did NOT kiss me, we sat down in the den area, and talked a bit more. I was tired and I probably dozed off. 

Damnit, that was such a good dream. Wet dream.


I had a wet dream about Max!

I sat up and looked around a bit thrown off. I really dreamt about Max. Fucking me. Not even fucking me. I woke up before it even got good.

I guess Max left me last night after I fell asleep. I'm maybe a little disappointed that he didn't sleep on the love seat.

My curtains were still closed. I walked up to them and quickly pushed them apart. A bright, orange sun seared my eyes.


I quickly shut them and rubbed my eyes in pain. That was stupid.


I showed up on set wearing sunglasses. My eyes hurt super bad. Cheryl walked in holding about 10 trays full of coffee's for different people. 

"Good morning, everyone!" She called out. 

Everyone surrounded her happily. For someone who got hammered last night and didn't get much sleep, she was very chipper. I don't like coffee, but I got one anyways.

Madelyn walked on set looking miserable. She lowered her giant sparkly sunglasses to reveal horrible eye bags. She looked pale. Her hair was oily and tangled. I felt bad, which was weird because she would never feel bad for me. 

Cheryl made a pleased giggle and made it obvious to Madelyn she had coffee. Madelyn looked over a bit excited, before Cheryl picked up the last cup and began drinking from it. That was mean.

I walked over to Madelyn with a smile and handed her my coffee. She looked up at me blankly.

"I wasn't going to drink it anyways." I said before walking away. 


I finally saw Max today. He was filming some action scene. His karate was honestly amazing. Or not karate, Kung Fu. 

I sat in a directors chair behind the cameras watching as he and a few other stunt actors performed a huge Kung Fu musical scene. His voice was already recorded and playing over the speakers. 

LA Babies part 2Where stories live. Discover now