Thrusday: Training

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Blaze had just tucked little Luna into her crib for a nap and was now heading to Isaac's playroom, they knocked softly and Isaac made a small barking sound, Blaze smiled and headed to the closet and grabbed some treats.

"Time for training puppy" They said closing the closet and walking into the middle of the room, Isaac crawled into the middle of the room he was wearing his doggy ears and tail and he sat in front of Blaze.

Blaze put their hand up and Isaac tilted his head to the side in confusion as he tried to figure out what Blaze wanted him to do, after a minute he finally figured it out and stood on his knees and put his hands on Blaze's stomach to steady himself, "Good boy!" Blaze said and pet him they didn't tell Isaac what trick to do unless it was a trick he didn't know.

They put their hand flat but fingers all pointing to Isaac, now this trick he knew, he layed down and Blaze gave him a treat and then using one finger they made a circle motion with it and Isaac rolled over.

Blaze gave him a treat "Let's try something else" They said with a smirk, Blaze made a pretend gun with their fingers and pretended to shoot Isaac, he emmidiatly laid down on his back and Blaze giggled, "Good job pupireno!" Blaze gave him a treat and pet him as he made a small barking sound.

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