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So uhm.. hi. I exist.

I'm honestly just making this story for fun, I'll post whenever I can- This'll mostly just be my imagination honestly.

My writing is NOT the best, Professional, Etc, But I'm still gonna write. I make half of my stories at like 3am so leave me alone-

I do take requests! Feel free to overflow my inbox because I adore making stories honestly <3

The photos might be really uncreative, Some stories may be rushed, Yk yk.

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT know if I can write smut or lemons yet, I haven't tried. If you do request it, I will try my best but uhm. If it comes out like a hot dumpster fire then..


Another small thing. There are some characters I don't know too well, Like Gaz, Rudy, Alejandro, And a handful more. If I get them wrong, Please please don't come after me.

I'll honestly take any requests, Unless it's smut (circling back to that). I will also gladly heal you from MW3.

One thing I will not do: OC's. I am so sorry, But I can't STAND OC's no matter how beautiful they are. You may yell at me.

On a happy note: Enjoy whatever chaos I make in this thing!

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